New member
Going to a gym with many machines and most of them good ones, I think I started doing too many exercises.
- if one machine is occupied, I can easily go to another one.
- you hit the muscle from different angles (especially on back)
- the same exercises bocomes not that good after a while.
- I feel like there are too many exercises to deal with and I've seen some videos where the main idea was that "if you get really good at a lift and do it often, you will develop that muscle" - e.g. doing a lot of chinups & stop doing other vertical pulling exercises = you will have a big back
- harder to take notes and follow progression.
- something GVS said about doing the same exercise, but with low reps one day and high reps another day. In a way, it feels so different, you feel like you do another exercise when you use high reps vs low reps.
- Push / 2. Pull / 3. Hinge / 4. Squat
- Biceps / 6. Triceps / 7. Delts / 8. Abs