@orthodox_christian I do a slightly modified PPL. Roughly directly targeting a muscle group 2 times a week, usually anywhere from 6-8 reps.
Monday Push
- incline dumbbell bench
- skull crushers
- Arnold presses
- cable flies
- tri push down
- lay delt raises
- maybe a pec dec
- maybe some oblique work
Tuesday abs and HIIT. Some days steady state for 40 mins.
Wednesday Legs
- extensions
- curls (high rep, low weight to warm up)
- hack squat heavy. Usually 5-6 sets
- calf raises
- RDLs
- Bulgarians if I really hate myself that day.
Thursday same as Tuesday.
Friday Pull
- lat pull down
- dumbbell curl
- rear delt flies
- meadow rows
- preacher curl
- row (either machine or cable)
- reverse pec dec
Monday Push
- incline dumbbell bench
- skull crushers
- Arnold presses
- cable flies
- tri push down
- lay delt raises
- maybe a pec dec
- maybe some oblique work
Tuesday abs and HIIT. Some days steady state for 40 mins.
Wednesday Legs
- extensions
- curls (high rep, low weight to warm up)
- hack squat heavy. Usually 5-6 sets
- calf raises
- RDLs
- Bulgarians if I really hate myself that day.
Thursday same as Tuesday.
Friday Pull
- lat pull down
- dumbbell curl
- rear delt flies
- meadow rows
- preacher curl
- row (either machine or cable)
- reverse pec dec