How much can you deadlift/what is your goal?


New member
Hey petites! I'm focusing more on my lifting journey but I'm not sure what I'm aiming for in terms of my deadlift goals. When I read people say they can deadlift 130 lbs for example, what does that mean if we're all doing different programs? I usually do 4 x 6 but should I be working towards a heavier 1 rep max? Right now I can deadlift about 90 pounds for 4 x 6.
@orthodoxforever When talking about how much they can lift, I usually assume people are talking about their ORM. Mine for deadlifts is 130. I do three sets, 6-4-2 reps, increasing weight each set. I don’t have any real goals aside from just consistently lifting heavier each month than I did the month before.
@orthodoxforever Usually people are giving their one rep max unless they specify otherwise. My ORM last time I tested it was 270, which is almost 2x my body weight. It would be cool to hit that 280, or even 300, but I don’t deadlift regularly so I don’t see that happening lol

1.5 body weight deadlift is a common “goal” people aim for
@orthodoxforever It depends on your goals! I’ve been powerlifting now for a few months, so very low reps and high weights. I’m currently at 185lb, 3 sets of 3 reps. My 1 rep max is probably close to 225lb or so. Very fortunate to have a father that is a former champion powerlifter! My muscle growth has been awesome.
@orthodoxforever I can do about 85 lbs and 95 but my form gets a lil wonky. ive been weight lifting too long to only be able to deadlift this little of weight but im okay with it because its the healthy thing to do. even tho my muscles probably arent growing im at least maintaining them
@orthodoxforever Deadlift is my best lift! Last week I did 6 x 195 lb Romanian deadlift. 5’0”, weigh 113!

Haven’t tested ORM in awhile but aim to get to 2x body weight one day

Also recommend grip straps as my grip strength sucks (something I’m working on too!)
@orthodoxforever My ORM is 275lbs at 175lb BW 5’1”. Tried hard to get to 300 but when I attempted again I was on a meal plan that was lower carb, I could barely get to 275lbs again. Carbs are so important 😭.