How much is a good caloric deficiency?

@nuggets71 I was 201 lbs this morning. A week ago I was 208. I weigh 4lbs less first thing in the morning than I do last thing before bed. That's just pee, sweat and the energy I burn sleeping. If I poop that's another pound.
@nuggets71 I’ll be the bearer of bad news and say 1500 plus cheat meals isn’t a deficit for you.

Your sedentary tdee is 1500, light exercise is 1800 and moderate is 2000. Your 4 exercise classes a week are likely only light exercise, especially if you have a desk job.

Also you should try weighing everyday to get a more accurate picture of your weight fluctuations
@nebula1 I lift 4 times and week and try to get in 9 total miles of running. I also do the full body workout classes with rowing, tread and lifting- average caloric burn of 425-560 depending on the class. Definitely not crazy working out, but I do wear a chest heart rate monitor so see the estimated calorie burn. I do have a part-time desk job (tax accountant) and was a full-time master's student and CPA testing the past 9 months. So much computer time. :( That's why I started to workout out again...back and knee issues from sitting so much! Working out saved my sanity this last semester. So if my TDEE is 1500, then I should drop my caloric intake even more? About 300-400 calories? I usually only ate one meal a day anyways. Pretty much been like that my whole life, except for vacations. Definitely will start weighing myself daily. Thank you!
@nuggets71 Id guess at light activity so to lose 1lb a week you would need to eat 1300.

Being honest it’s tough to get everything you need in 1300 plus if you’re not eating regularly spaced meals you’ll likely be under eating vegetables and maybe underrating filling protein foods. I think moving to at least two substantial
meals would be helpful to keep you fuelled on low calories
@nuggets71 Don't know what to orange theory is. Don't care. I'd guess their measurements are kinda right maybe.

But based on calories in/out you shouldn't be gaining weight.

So what are you leaving out?

I don't believe for a second you take in 1500 calories and exercise that much and gain weight.
@lidalulu After the first 2 months I went from 139 to 137lbs. Gained 2.5 lbs of muscle and lost 2 lbs of fat according the full body scanner. But literally I’m 144 now. I’ve never eaten much. I actually increased calories when I started working out bc I didn’t want to be burning muscle. It is very hard to even eat 1500 and get in 80 grams of protein. If it weren’t for hemp seeds and chai seeds being added to everything I eat, I’d never get close to that much protein. Not a big meat kinda person. More lentils, beans, and tofu.

I’m a one meal a day person and always have been and was always 128-130lbs by entire adult life. Having kids at 35 and 39 throws a woman’s body for a loop and I’ve been 8-10 lbs heavier since. But now I eat a lunch and a dinner. Fast from 7pm to noon the next day. I have never eaten breakfast my entire life, so fasting is easy.

Orange Theory is a workout class that combines running, rowing and strength training. You wear heart rate monitors and try to keep in the orange zone heart rate wise as much as possible. The class is an hour. I burn between 424-560 calories a class depending on the workout. I used it to train for a trek to Mt Everest back in 2015. Worked out awesome.

I want to know what I’m leaving out too! 🤣 Thinking I’m eating just a little too much and gaining muscle, but not fat anymore?
@nuggets71 If you never did full submersion body fat content testing in a water bath before and after you have no idea what you're before and after results are.

The fact that you're saying Mount Everest makes it even more scary. You have absolutely no idea what it takes to climb something like mount everest. I don't care what you're training is. You are listening to some really serious b******* con artists that are probably charging you over $100 a month to have them tell you what you want to hear. How many hundreds of dollars a month are you paying these idiots? Seriously answer that question that's all I really want to know.
@lidalulu I said a TREK to Mt Everest, not climbing. I am an avid hiker and hike 14,000 ft peaks all the time here in Colorado. I actually know exactly what it takes to climb that mountain and why I would never do it nor any desire to do so.
And I went to Nepal in 2015 for the trek to base camp. 75 miles, 18,000 in elevation. But then the 7.9 earthquake struck and we never finished the trek—only got halfway to Namche Bazaar. Got married in Nepal actually :) I’m a super active person, Army vet, ski, single track mountain bike, ice climb. I’m not an idiot. Just frustrated right now with the way getting back into shape is going after my last baby.

Anyways the workout classes are amazing full body workouts. They just have a full body composition scanner that you can do if you want. So I did a couple of times..about every two months. That’s where I got the fat/muscle numbers from. You can buy the same scanner for about $3,200. It’s not 100% accurate, but those scanners are pretty good. Not as good as a Dexa of course. Orange Theory has been around for like 15 years. It’s nothing new. Great hour long classes. Lots of rowing which I’ve been working hard at to improve my split to stay below 2 min. Nothing about it is bullshit. I pay $170 a month for unlimited classes and I do 5 a week typically. So comes about to be less than $10 a class.
@lidalulu She's putting in the work and can obviously afford it. Why do you care what motivates her? You said yourself you didn't even know what OT is but you have the authority to shit all over it?

I don't like/need fitness classes myself but I don't begrudge those that do them and like them.