How much of a TDEE would you give me ?


New member
I’m 5’1 143lbs sedentary. Currently eating at 1200 cals while also lifting weights.
I figure my tdee is around 1600-1800

What would y’all give me?
@sorthodox Lifting isn’t a very big calorie burn, typically. An hour brutal leg day for me is maybe a burn of 260 cals depending on my rep speed/power.

I wouldn’t even count it if your lifting isn’t intense. You’re likely 1400 if you’re not even getting a minimum 4k steps/movement.
I did an upper 27 min lifting heavy upper body workout last week and burned 60 calories for reference. Basically nothing.
@sorthodox Your TDEE is probably closer to the lower end, but it’s hard to say. I’m 5’ CW126 SW143. I have meticulously tracked my caloric intake, exercise, and TDEE since December. I work a sedentary job but I lift heavy 4x week and intense cardio 45-60 min 6x a week. My average TDEE started about 2050 a day and has now fallen to 1970 a day from my weight loss.
@sorthodox 1300 BMR. If you're truly sedentary then 1300-1400 TDEE on non workout days and 1500-1700 TDEE for workout days (45-60 min strength is about 200-300 calories). If I'm cutting, I like to do a deficit based on whether or not I'm working out that day or not.