How Much To Cut


New member
5’2” ~140 (up from ~120) 20

Hi! I’ve been lifting for around 7 months and I’ve put on a decent amount of muscle. But I wasn’t consistent with my diet or cardio so I’ve also put on some fat. Well bikini season is coming up and I want to lose around 10-20 pounds of fat (or more if possible, just trying to be realistic) by July. I don’t want to lose my prized booty gains by cutting too much, so does anyone know a recommended deficit? I’ve cut out most processed food, and am taking about 130 g of protein. For reference I’m going to be strength training 4x a week, with low impact cardio (~20-30 mins incline walking) on those days. I’m also trying to get better at running and am doing a 5k training program, that has me running on all my off days from strength training. (~20-40 minutes, going up through the weeks, with the amount of time running v walking increasing as time goes on too). Feel free to critique my routine in any way, looking for as much help as possible.
@tr1n1ty Do mini-cuts.. Cut for 2-3 weeks and then eat at maintenance for 1-2 and so on and so on.. Still continue the lifting, add some more cardio in. Keep protein up as well.

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