How much walking is too much walking?


New member
Lately I’ve been walking for 2-2.5 hours because it’s legit the best for mental relaxation. I have a break until my next semester at nursing school, and have gotten addicted to listening to podcasts. 🤣 Today I hit 8.9 miles but usually it’s more like 7-7.5 miles, 6-7 days per week.
@solomonanderson i too love walking but looking at your post history I would be cautious. When I was more deeply into my eating disorders I would walk/move/workout every free minute of the day because I "loved it" reality is that it was just the eating disorders making me believe it to lose more weight.
I'm glad I can now enjoy working out without it being a order of the eating disorder.
I can really enjoy it now.
@solomonanderson What I did, or rather what I had to do, was to stop with all the extra movement. It was really hard but at a certain point it got easier and then I was able to start workin fout again for health benefits (bone density), gaining weight and feeling better mentally.
I'm gonna be honest, this took years and sometimes I still feel like I NEED to move to earn food or because I didn't move enough but I'm glad I can enjoy moving again instead of seeing it purely as something obsessive
@solomonanderson there is no imminent danger in walking in and of itself. you could maybe ask yourself if it's a healthy practice if you consider all the different aspects.

i was addicted to exercise for several years, and chose walking eventually because people don't think about it as "exercise"; it was the "safest" option for me at the time. not saying you're in a similar situation but just to give an example of how the walking might not just actually be the walking.

have you thought about why you're asking this question?
@69inforever I ask because there are varying opinions on if you should do any movement at all during recovery. I def had an exercise issue in my younger years but it was running and cycling. This walking seems so enjoyable to me (though I don’t like how I end up starving and eat a lot haha).