How to gain weight :/


New member
I’m not necessarily new to fitness, but I’ve been skinny all my life, and have always wanted nothing more than to just gain some damn weight. No matter how much I eat, I don’t gain anything probably because of how freakishly fast my metabolism is. I’m a 20 year old, 5’6” male sitting at around 116-118lbs. You’d think a fast metabolism would be nice, but it’s really not if you wanna be a big beefed up dude. Y’all got any tips? This is probably a stupid question so I apologize lol
@monica23 /r/gainit

Ultimately, you very likely don't have a fast metabolism, you just don't eat nearly as much as you think you do. The difference between a fast and slow metabolism is about 100-200 calories per day. So you just need to eat more. You don't defy the laws of physics.

Trying to eat fattier foods (chicken thigh over breast, or going for fattier cuts of red meat, or eating fatty fish like salmon). Top your foods with more butter or cheese. Drink whole milk. Snack on nuts and dried fruit. Maybe make yourself a smoothie and throw in things like chia seed to increase the calories. (You do NOT need any "mass gainer" type of powder, that's just expensive carbs. You could grind up oatmeal and add it to your smoothies for the same effect)
@monica23 Calories in > calories out. Thermodynamics.

Count your calories. You may think you eat a lot, but there are probably spaces of light eating that balance out. At 20, you're probably active enough to burn off quite a bit, too.

There is a limit to how many calories you can burn in a day and I guarantee it's lower than the amount you can eat regardless of your metabolism.
@monica23 Google a TDEE calculator, figure out that number, add a surplus of 350-500 calories to that number. Track everything and make sure you hit at minimum that number. Wait and see results.
Really simple as that.
@monica23 slurping 2 tablespoons of olive oil might not “feel” like you ate much compared to a single cup of protein yogurt

however the olive oil is 200+ cals and a cup of yogurt is 90ish.

how much you “think” or “feel” youve eaten genuinely doesnt matter and is a lesson youll be thankful to have learned.

knowing just that can be very helpful to many people who think they have “abnormal” metabolisms. the earlier you kill the myth the faster youll see progress! GL!
@monica23 Eat more. 200-500 surplus is generally good but varies in the individual level.

Add in condiments, sauces, maybe even a soda a day? These all add in carbs and will fuel strength training. That with enough protein will help you build muscle 💪🏼
@monica23 Healthy smoothies, protein shakes, protein rich foods (not powder). Hit the gym and talk to the trainer. I’d not recommend protein powder or steroids or any supplements, you’re still young and could achieve your body in natural ways by healthy diet and regular exercises. Consistency is the key.
@monica23 I’ve always thought my metabolism was high. I’m capable of eating loads but also fasting for long periods of time. Started lifting and trying to bulk and realised that despite increasing portion sizes I wasn’t gaining weight over 6 months like I’d hoped. I do a very physical job and often walk 20k steps or more.

I’ve switched to trying to eat something every two hours and 12 weeks later I’m starting to build muscle and size. Eating lots of carbs like potatoes and rice, lots of vegetables and toast with peanut butter. If I can’t eat because I’m busy I’ll throw a protein shake and a handful of berries and almonds down.

I think I was vastly underestimating just how much I need to eat to stay in a surplus. I do have a fast metabolism but that’s not the source of my leanness.
@monica23 I weighed 99lbs before , now I weigh 145lbs
Simply , just find high calorie foods around you , common ones are peanut butter banana olive oil milk , make a shake out of these too , bread , butter , and generally just eat more.
I know you already know this but this is the only way , good luck on your journey mate
@monica23 You need to eat more. Meal prep and counting calories has been working for me.

Macrofactor is an app I use and it has a good system. Weigh your self everyday (a Bluetooth scale makes this really easy), then record what you eat. It will tell you how many calories to go for based on the weight and what you want to gain.

I’m 5’9 126lb and am now up to 132lb. Goal is 140. I do workout as well though because otherwise it will all go to my gut and I’ll be a stick everywhere else. 😂 wish you the best.

My current necessary calorie intake to not lose weight is 2500. I walk a ton for work and do exercise a fair amount.
@monica23 Mate, I feel you. I'm a hardgainer myself, constantly eating more than my peers and hardly even putting any weight. However, in the last 3 years, I managed to put on 10 kgs of (almost) pure muscle mass. I can't go into many details rn cause I need to sleep, but if you answer to this comment I'll see it tomorrow and elaborate more