
New member
Ok ok, I know how to get a v-taper but I’m still confused. The wide shoulders and small waist are easy to understand but is there a way I have to do them. As in should I primarily focus on shoulders, back, and legs? Should I hit those body parts more than usual? Or can I just do them in a split like ppl? Correct me if I’m wrong but to get the v-taper those body parts should overpower the others so I’m just asking if I have to hit those more than the others? If anyone has a workout plan that could work it’d be great.
@restoredgospel You are wrong, those body parts don't need to overpower the others. You can get it faster by focusing on lats and side shoulders (side lateral raises) and going on a diet, but if you go at it normally you will eventually get there. Also, to all experienced body-builders the 'diet' is the largest factor, as most of them already have wide shoulders.
@restoredgospel Lets say you are doing PPL, on the push day if you usually do 2 chest, 2 shoulders, 2 triceps exercises, maybe do 2 chest, 3 shoulders, 1 triceps exercise. You can also just do 2 chest, 3 shoulders, 2 triceps if you have the energy for it. The extra shoulder exercise would focus more on the lateral shoulder. You can also do certain variations of the chest exercise that focus on the shoulder, but not really recommend it as they train the anterior which isn't really great for the width.

My recommendation is to just not care about these things in the beginning. Focus on building muscle (bulking), and when you shred you will find that you got your v shape.