How to spot Fake natty


New member
Hi everyone, a lot of gym goers are now on some "enhancements ". They post on IG saying they natural and sells diet plans etc. My dad started gym recently and he is being pushed to buy supplements by these fake natty.
Many of you guys here r expert in physical fitness . Can u point out some series of facts/ checklist which can help us to identify fake natty from real natty.
@sherri1263 Forget if your trainer is fake or not bro. Better you tell us what supplements he has prescribed and let the community tell you what is for what.

That way you also learn.
@its_namex my dad is skinny fat and nearing 60. Th trainer is pushing him to take "L- carnitine " to help fat mobilization. When i asked my doc, she said L - Carnetine can cause some thyroid issues and given my dad's age ( My dad's elder sister has thyroid issues).it's better to invest in good base supplements like a good quality protein.
The trainer keeps saying nothing will happen and shows before/ after transformation. My dad looked at the results and is really thinking if taking it. I agree L carnitine works but i advised my dad to not take that supplement. The latest protein news had him panicked and he straight up decided not to use any supplements other than ones prescribed to him by his doctor.
@sherri1263 Don't bother with that bro. Pointless.

Honestly, for someone who's body is functioning normally, I wouldn't recommend anything but creatine. The rest all are mostly either marginally useful, or sometimes do more harm than not.

And you're right, better to take good protein than what your trainer is telling your dad.
@sherri1263 Fake natty would make it sound like everything is easy and they know an easy plan to do things easy way

Natty will be like randi Rona, they will tell everything is hard , it's year or decade of progress, micro management, keep pumping, push harder, you can do it too, etc

People are honest enhanced are kinda mixed of both + side effects and you don't need it now until you have reached maximum natty potential
  1. I heard about disproportionate traps and delt growth are one sign.
  2. Gyno, acne and early male pattern baldness.
  3. Spiral like veins, bigger than normal veins. High BP.
  4. They maintain a low body fat year round with high vascularity.
  5. Redness on injection sites. Impaired mobility, e.g. excessive glute scar tissue will make them doing leg curl and rdl etc difficult.
That being said, all of this could happen naturally, but are rare. Another approach is to see their progress over the years, e.g. Guru Mann and Scott Herman might look saucy at first glance, but if you see their progress in the last 10 years, they haven't changed much. So if you see a very young dude transforming in a couple of years, that is saucy.

Lastly post on r/nattyorjuice :)
@sherri1263 Steroid users don't use IV. We get IM or SubQ injections. Think of the covid vaccine injection that you got was IM. Both IM and Subq can leave swelling and redness etc, although it happens rarely.

P.S: There are some atheltes who participate in an event, where they might use IV, e.g. Test suspenstion, but that is pro level sports.
@jenfer damm . Every time i learn a few things i feel like Derek(from more platesmoredates) then people like u educate me more. I have a long way go in terms of education 💯
@sherri1263 The only fat burner that works is Heroine. You shoot it, pass out and forget to eat. Causing caloric deficit.

There is no such thing as fat burner proven by evidence. The close one is hunger suppressers. But even those come with some side effects.

Who in their right mind suggests Lcartinite to random old people without even covering basic supplments first. So ignore the idiot.

Supplementation of L-carnitine does not burn fat unless the individual is deficient in L-carnitine.

Source -

If you are consuming protein from animal sources. It also contains L-cartinite.
@sherri1263 Personally I don't believe it matters whether your trainer is natty or not.

You should look at your trainer's knowledge and experience training people. Yes, their own physique is a reflection of that knowledge and experience but it's not the only metric. Also if you're using the trainer's physique as your goal physique, I don't believe that's the best approach.

What matters more is how well the trainer programs for you, take into consideration your individual circumstances, preferences and push you to be your best self. They should be able to incorporate exercise science and anecdotal evidence to come up with the best program for you.

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