How to stop the morning poop ?

@becksblue Sometimes that’s the easiest thing to do. Just find more time by making more available. My cutoff is 3:00 am if I wake up before then I definitely go back to bed. In my opinion, the only benefit to waking up late is staying up late the night before. Late night TV, a decent social life, restaurants open late, etc. all of those things aren’t as enjoyable as when you are in your 20s. Going to bed before 8 is just lame. Starting a good book before 8 and falling asleep is fine though.
@becksblue This is one of the reasons I have a home gym. Without fail, as soon as I start warming up for squats or deadlifts, I have to poop.

This sounds silly, but it has actually helped me figure out how to make a poop come sooner if I need to, like if I'm getting ready in the morning to go to the zoo all day with my kid, and I really don't want to poop at the zoo. I think it's the hip movement that does it. So I just do the motion of a deadlift without any weight a bunch of times while I'm getting ready, and it will make it happen sooner.
@becksblue Shift your eating and sleeping windows.

The people I saw waking up at 4 would finish the dinner by 7-8 and asleep by 9-10PM. It will still take time. But your body will adapt.
@becksblue Then you need to train your bowels for certain timing. It works. Just go and sit in toilet of your preferred timing. After taking coffee or some stimulant. Preferably water. Don't strain or force. Make sure your diet has enough fiber or supplment.
@becksblue I understand the pooping-on-the-clock principle, but I have a zero risk tolerance for having to take a dump at my gym, so I'd probably just accept it as my new way of life lol.

Maybe... make your coffee, but drink it a bit later, if you're able to function for a short time without it. Or toss a shot into a protein smoothie or smth. When I'm active, drinking coffee without anything to absorb it = instant shit.

Dunno if it would help... certainly wouldn't for me. My body doesn't believe in leaving the house without pooping first.
@dmdadabear I take a pre-workout before heading to the gym, but the bathroom calls me right before I’m ready for to drink it. Maybe I just sit on my pre-workout while sitting on the throne
@becksblue I don't quite understand what the problem is here.... surely it's better to get it over with before leaving the house? Why would this be a problem? Or is it that you want to shit during paid hours?
@becksblue I can't think of a way and see this as a benefit worth keeping. Unless your work sucks and you are just trying to avoid working by pooping on company time. The unhealthiest result is not having a bowel movement in the morning. At work or at home your body won't know the difference. I prefer having one in the morning before I head out because I can shower afterwards and I feel about 2% more fresh and clean the rest of the day. I would suggest adjusting your morning schedule to accomodate it.

It's fairly healthy that your bowels are responding this way. A lot of lifting involves hip hinge movements which gets the blood flowing down there. When I used to go for a morning run it would feel like I was shaking the poop out of me lol. I needed more micros fyi. With this stimulus-response you basically now have more control over when you poop. No more dashing off to the bathroom :)

Also see this as a benefit to your productivity at work. It's BS and unfair, but in a competitive work environments people don't look kindly on their coworkers pooping on company time. People who visit your office only to discover that you're not there don't even want to know why they just want to get their work done so they can move on to the next task.
@sassygirl61 Not really but they notice if you are not available consistently then they start wondering why. It’s not a good idea to draw that kind of attention to yourself. Most office environments suck ass and are not happy places unless the leadership is fantastic. But typically good leadership doesn’t stay in one workplace forever.
@chryssa1791 Luckily my work is pro-pooping, whenever the need arrives.

As you said, adjusting my schedule seems to be the only real solution so far. I can save myself a little time and maybe prep most of the kids’ lunches the night before. But I can’t see myself setting my alarm for anything earlier than 4:00am.