How u create your workouts?


New member
There are a lot of wods but how u create your skill?
In my box which i cant afford for this period was..

Warm up
Skill (strength)

Any advice, pages, something to read? So i can create a complete workout

Thanks so much ❤❤❤❤❤
@123rrrrr Making a good workout can be easier than people think. There are a lot of movements that take generally the same amount of energy & time (depending on weight of course) so just find a rep scheme you like and swap out new movements.

Take Fran for example. 21-15-9 Thrusters & Pull ups. A classic. But swap out the movements and we’ve got an unlimited combination of fun workouts.

21-15-9 Box jumps & kettlebell swings

21-15-9 Burpees & toes to bar

21-15-9 Row cals & power snatch
@dawn16 True that creating a workout is easy. Easy to approach like you mentioned. However creating good programming is much more complicated. The best bet for programming, and not individual workouts, is to follow an existing program.
@bfall Really depends what your goal is. If your goal is to compete, yeah, follow an existing program. If your goal is just to be the fittest guy on the block, follow a progressive linear strength program, and then make up WODs to your heart's content.
Not so easy. For example, your 21-15-9 burpees and toes to bar is no good, since they both are hinge movements. No bueno.

Push+pull/cardio+wl/squat+pull are good couplets.
@dawn16 Its not quite that simple. You can't just follow a strength program and then throw in a constantly changing variable on top of that. A program is going to peak with volume or intensity. Doing crossfit on top of that is going to give you a different result because now your volume and intensity are different.
@noname5137 Lol what do you mean you "cant"? Most of the country doesnt even exercise. Those that do, most of them just go jogging or sit on the elliptical. You could literally just do "Jackie" every single day and there's a good chance you'd be the fittest guy at your office.
@dawn16 Weelll, just want to continue doing some crossfit exercise but from home, cause i cant afford it but not only wods, i want a complete skill and wods...
@123rrrrr I started by doing all my workouts from home, cherry picking from different programs, reading up on exercise science, created my own program, hit all new PRs, and when I ended up rejoining a gym I was like top 3 in every workout. Don’t let your dreams be dreams! You can def make it work on your own
@123rrrrr Please don't listen to the person above arguing about semantics. They likely don't know the difference between a microcycle and a mesocycle and probably have never heard of periodization.

Yeah, you can go do whatever and just throw together some Frankenstein program. Guess what though? Thats not going to work in the long run. Yeah, you can get significantly more fit than if you did nothing, but youll hit a plateau and/or overtrain.

You dont want to train minimally, you dont want to train maximally, you want to train optimally. To do so, you need a well thought out program.
@dawn16 You can do whatever you want in the gym. You cant put in a strength program on top of a crossfit program and expect to get any great progress from it. A program takes into consideration the microcycle and the mesocycle, and there will be a peak in volume. If you don't taper your crossfit workouts when the strength cycle peaks, your pr is going to be less than if you tapered correctly.

Also, crossfit on top of a strength program is just too much volume for most average people, and you won't be training optimally. You'll be way over in maximal training, which isn't sustainable.

Let me try to explain it in a way you might be able to understand. Lets pretend you have a dick in your mouth. There is limited room, but maybe there's a little more room for a flaccid dick. Once that dick starts feeling your awesome tongue action, its going to start getting bigger and bigger, taking up more and more of your mouth space. Your mouth will try to expand and make more room, but at some point something is going to give. Maybe your jaw will unhinge, or your teeth will cut into the dicks. Neither dick is getting satisfied to completion and they're just wrecking your mouth. You see, just because you can do something doesn't mean that its ideal or even beneficial. But, hey, at least you have two dicks in your mouth. Everyone else is just drooling on their fingers and looking stupid.