How u create your workouts?

@123rrrrr I start with the WOD. You have to figure out what your weekly schedule will be and then go from there.

Keep in mind the variation needed and remember that the programming isn't random, there is always an intent.

Once you have the workouts you want to do, and in an order that you think will be best, figure out where you want to improve.

You might have a workout that has handstand walks and snatches. Consider the overhead load for the week, and think about what your deficiencies are. You won't get stronger from one snatch workout, maybe you need to program a 3-4 week progressive overload for snatches. You could do 7 sets of 1 rep, increasing weight every week. Maybe your handstands suck. You can make significant leaps in handstand efficiency with one good training session. Or, maybe you need a handstand progression program.

There are too many variables to explain in a post. Hopefully this gives you a little inspiration. Take comfort in knowing that even the best arent perfect at programming. Information and education will get you closer to perfection.