hows this for a workout


New member
monday: back/shoulders/biceps
The barbell Drag Curl 2x12
close grip barbell curl 2x12
preacher curl 2x12
incline dumbbell drag curls 2x12
behind-the-back cable curls 2x12
db shoulder press 2x12
lateral raises 2x12
incline db row start with full reps and then do half reps
- 2 Best overall: deadlift, bent-over barbell rows
- 3 Best middle/upper back: Cable row (elbows angled out), Dumbbell chest supported row, Wide grip chest supported machine row.
- Best lower traps: Incline prone Y-raises
- 4 Best lats: Lat focused row (elbows in, lean forward), pull ups, lat pulldown, chin ups

wednesday: abs/bike 15m run 15m
1. elbow to knee crunches (30 seconds)
2. Knee Ups (30 seconds)
3. Star Planks (1 Minute)
4. Side Jack-Knives (30 seconds)
5. Knee in-Twists (30 seconds)
6 leg lift with hip raises
in and outs
toe touches
heel taps

friday: chest/tris
land mine press 2x12
Upper Chest:
01: 15° Incline Dumbbell Press
02: 30° Incline Dumbbell Press
03: Barbell Bench Press
Middle Chest:
01: Seated Cable Fly
02: Decline Dumbbell Press
03: 15° Incline Dumbbell Press
Lower Chest:
01: Seated Cable Fly
02: Slight Decline Dumbbell Press
03: Flat Dumbbell Press
• Long Head Triceps Workout
1. Dumbbell Overhead Extension
2. Skull crusher Triceps
3. Dumbbell Kickback
• Lateral Head Triceps Workout
4. Cable Pushdown
5. Bench Dips
6. Diamond Pushups
• Medial Head Triceps Workout
7. Close Grip Bench Press
8. Reverse Pushdown
9. Rope Pushdown

sunday legs/glutes
Barbell Squats
Hip Thrusts
Split Squats
Glute Ham Raise