I’m (32M) I’m a lean build 6’1 155lbs. I don’t know where to begin


New member
I’m looking for a starting point, and look good by summer. I have a pretty clean slate to work with at the moment. Fairly athletic, cardio is shit. Smoker. Bad knee due to football injury.
Workout program?
@acecomando By lean build I think that's a nice way or saying way too skinny. I'm your same height and I didn't weigh that in High School as a fairly thin guy who didn't lift.

I recommend weight training of every single muscle group you can think of for the next 4 years. And eat a lot of protein of course.
@acecomando The good news is your starting point is already a goal for most people your height.

Given your lightweight you might enjoy getting into calisthenics. I find it more fun than lifting. Check your TDEE and eat lots of protein at a slight caloric surplus while you train.

There are a lot of gimmicky diet programs out there being sold by dude's on SARMs and tren. Just practice CICO and prioritize protein. Take protein powder if you want. It takes a long time to build muscle natty, but you'll notice improved vascularity/definition more quickly at your BF%.

Other than that, you should vape instead of smoke. Vaping isn't perfect but it's 1000x easier on your lungs/lung capacity if you cannot give up tobacco.
@acecomando Calorie surplus for a diet and progressive overload at the gym with weights so ya can grow some muscle 💪

Around a 300 calorie surplus is most likely fine and when it comes to running a specific style of program, that'll mostly come down to preference and what you figure you can maintain for a while.

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