Any advice on lean bulking for a 5’6” 121 pounder?

@spiritualfriend It sounds like you’re getting a little overwhelmed with all the science and numbers crunching. Stick to the basics exercises, get on a set routine and stay consistent, and experiment with your diet to see what works for you with cals/ carbs/ protein/ fats etc. It’s all about finding what works best for you. Good luck bro
@spiritualfriend I’ll let you do the math, but if 20% BF is your max at 1lb/wk, you can calculate a max weight based on 50% of your gains being muscle. It’s basic algebra.

When you hit that weight, go get a dexa to confirm your BF and then either keep bulking or cut depending on those results.
@spiritualfriend 121 lbs? Wow!! I am 5’6 on a good day at sitting at 172 lbs. based on your pics your def a bit more cut than myself but I think there’s a misconception that you can’t look ripped without the extra poundage.

My goal is closer to 185 (eventually). My two cents is eat and eat, just not large meals before bed so it’s not all converting to fat. Eat your saturated fats earlier in the day and get your macros in increasing amounts.
