I’m a dental assistant who’s also studying and it’s so exhausting; but I really want to establish a workout routine plus healthy eating


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So I’m a foreign dentist and a dental assistant currently studying to get my dental license in the US. I moved here 8 months ago. I work full time for 8-10 hours 5 days a week, sometimes we have shorter days. I’m really frustrated because I’m always exhausted to work out or eat healthy cause it needs prep meals or at least a lot of planning and tbh I’m too lazy to do that. What can I do to make it more motivational or have more discipline for working out? I try walking on the treadmill, but 15 minutes in, I’m in pain cause I’m so out of shape. Most of the time my whole body is in pain after work, I can’t get out of bed. I try eating healthy, but at the end of a long day I just snack on junk food and chocolate. If I walk on the treadmill for 15 minutes everyday and do a low carb diet will that show results after a while? Or am I just being delusional and lazy? I’m 5’6 and weigh 150 pounds.
@jonathonmercil /r/bodyweightfitness recommended routine. i would start with something like just the strength portion of this routine if you don't have gym access/time and just split it up whenever you have time.

if your phone says you are getting more than like 6-7k steps from work every day, you probably dont need any more low intensity cardio and if you are short on time and need to be "in shape" might benefit from some sort of higher intensity cardio.

meal prep can honestly be extremely lazy. like literally boil a bunch of vegetables, big pot of rice, a massive pack of meat you find on sale and half a dozen tupperwares and you're golden. might not be the tastiest thing ever but it's what an adult would choose instead of candy and doritos. i feel like your body will straight up just feel better and more recovered every day from actually eating above the RDA for protein and getting some micronutrients.

if you are ordering a lot of take out, chances are a meal prep service will be a bit cheaper and certainly lower in calories if you are trying to cut.