I’m feeling overwhelmed trying to fit the gym into my 9-5 + commuting life. Tips?

@emmafontaine How far is the gym from home? Given that you’re not starting work until 9/10am you should be able to go to the gym and then come home for a shower/change of clothes before leaving work.

Otherwise just get a decent sized backpack/bag to carry it in.

Welcome to adult life.
@dawn16 .. I said this was a new job not my first job lol. I have been an adult for many years and literally have no idea why that comment was necessary.

Regardless, thank you for the suggestion. My gym is still a big of a commute from my apartment but I might see if that will work and how reliable the trains are in my home direction from the gym that early in the morning.
@bubblegum2021 Okay. I really never said or meant to imply that I was special, nor that my 9-5 was inconvenient in any way. I work in theatre I know what it’s like and how it sucks to have an inconsistent and abnormal schedule. I am clearly trying to prioritize what’s important but I think there’s a balance between carrying two bags for a 2+ daily commute or not going at all, and I was just hoping for tips.
@emmafontaine Unfortunately you wont get much sympathy here for carrying two bags for 2+ hour commute; it’s the norm for many and is just something to get used to as a bit of a “bag lady” I’d advise haha
@amytai I mean I’m really not looking for sympathy I’m looking for suggestions and tips (I.e, bag suggestions).
Which I’m getting and I’m grateful for everyone who had commented herewith helpful suggestions!
@emmafontaine I understand what you’re saying about not wanting sympathy, would just caveat that what you come across to me as perceiving as inconvenient may not be the standard here for what is inconvenient; I believe a lot of the negative feedback here comes from your feeling overwhelmed over what many would see as a great schedule in not needing to come in until 9/10 so if you maybe had been more general regarding wanting commuting tips that may not have happened.

I personally take classes across nyc and get up at various times between 5:15 and 6:15 to make it to work by 8. I pack a lunch, light makeup and moisturizer, my work clothes, and my laptop and other work items all between a moderately large bag that holds my laptop as well as a drawstring bag that I wear around my shoulders. I wear a suit to work so I often wear my suit jacket to the gym over my gym clothes. Let me know if you have any more specific questions!
@amytai I understand what you’re saying and how it could have come off that way. I’m not at all saying that my schedule itself is overwhelming or inconvenient - I’m overwhelmed with the change from what I’m used to and am having trouble adjusting.

I’m also getting defensive I think because although a 9 or 10am start time is great (!!) my job is really stressful and I do a ton of overtime and weekend work - which I’m sure a ton of other people do too! But just because I have a later start time doesn’t necessarily mean I have all the time in the world or that I just “started adulthood” lol.

Thank you for insight on what you do. To be perfectly honest, while I understand that that works for you I just cannot carry that much stuff on a regular basis. Like I super commend you, but what I’m realizing from everyone’s comments is that I would definitely rather give up more sleep or gym less than carry two or three bags. It’s just so uncomfortable for me and I have to do a lot of errand running for work in the morning/after I just have no desire to do that lol

Edit: also I should mention I am coming from living in LA where I had a 7:30 work start time, but it was easier for me to make that work because I had a car. Maybe this is why I have such a mental block here.
@emmafontaine Yeah I think it may often just be better to leave out the details because I sense they often lead to this kind of judgment happening when we are all in different stages of life and have different ways we balance it all out.

Are there storage lockers around where you work? Regardless I would look into potentially doing at-Home workouts if there isn’t a gym close to your apartment, or like you said you may just need to go back and forth to grab a shower and your stuff in the morning.
@emmafontaine Some thoughts...
1. Work out before work, then you don't have to take any workout stuff with you.
2. If your gym is close to work, leave your home dressed for the gym, go to the gym, do your workout, quick shower there if there are showers, and change into work clothes.
3. If you work out during the day after a couple hours at work, just bring an extra set of underwear instead of an entirely new outfit to change into after your workout. Just change back into the work clothes you started with that day after your workout.
4. If your gym doesn't have a shower, moist towelettes and dry shampoo can keep you feeling fresh until you get home later to take a shower.
5. Commit to fitting everything you need for the day in one bag. It will force you to be efficient with space.
6. If you have a fridge at work, consider taking food for the week on Mondays so you don't have to carry a lunch with you every day.

Best of luck!!
@furtehlulz Thank for you taking the time to think of solutions and type them all out - I really appreciate it! I think I will try a couple different things in the next few weeks and just have to play around with what works best in the mornings!
@isang Unfortunately I am at the gym closest to me and it’s not terribly close but I might try that out a few days over the next week and see if that works better for me!
@emmafontaine My commute is about 40 minutes in the city and I go to the gym before work, getting there around 8am. I’ve invested in a nice big backpack and carry a medium sized tote bag. I keep my makeup to a minimum (just a normal sized makeup bag), and do skincare at home before I leave for the gym.

It seems like hauling a lot of stuff but tbh you get very used to it. It just comes down to sizing down anything that possibly can come in a smaller container, like dry shampoo and all that jazz. I would say going in the morning is the best for 9-5ers like us; the gym is empty and you can go straight home after work. For me personally waking up for the gym is much more satisfying and motivating than waking up for work :)
@hyojyang88 Thank you! What type of bag(s) do you have/would you recommend them? I think investing in a better bag situation might be my solution here - what I’m using is not working as a dual purpose.

And I agree! Definitely more motivating to know you can just go home after work!