I’m so upset…

@mgibb320 I’m a super heavy sweater (apparently it’s overall a good thing lol) but the only time I feel like I need electrolytes is when I’m hungover/dehydrated from being sick or something. I think you can get enough sodium from food and maybe some people aren’t hydrating enough before workouts.
@kingsolomonskey Well apparently it's because the CEO used to run a blog where he listed these recipes and always got comments that it was "too much effort" to make them, so he founded a company to make them!
@kingsolomonskey WHAT?! Massive internet hugs, stranger. 🤗 My desire to be frugal outweighs my laziness, and I will def be using those recipes for my WFH days so I can keep the packets for in-office days and when traveling!!
@ebarnes Dr. Stacy Sims has a simple electrolyte recipe that includes salt and a touch of maple syrup, which both quenches thirst and helps hydrate you on a cellular level (if I’m remembering correctly). She has done research on women’s hydration and published articles with her findings. Most hydration studies and recommendations are based on men. Easy to find on Google if interested.
@ebarnes I feel you on this!! I LOVE them too!! I got my husband hooked on them too so we go through them even quicker 😅 I don’t drink coffee, so it’s my morning happiness in a cup!