I’m starting my workout journey. I’m a 6’3”, 230lbs male. I’d like to slim down to around 200lbs with muscle. Any tips?

@maidenfan That said, going to the gym can give you the energy, confidence, and focus you need to help control what you eat in the kitchen. Controlling my diet is always easier when I'm working out.
@quilbilly I suck at controlling my diet nowadays so I just work out to compensate. As I’ve gotten fatter and fatter people have been telling me I’ve lost weight 🤷

Yeah I have a beer belly but I can knock out 12 pull ups at a moment’s notice which is 12 more than I did when I was skinny and bench about 150 pounds more than when I was in high school.
@mybridges Yep, it's honestly better to just focus on that if you are having trouble losing the weight. Being strong is fun and it will change your body definition in ways that make it matter less if you've got a gut. Even more true as you get older and the average you're competing against looks worse and worse.
@maidenfan Yes

I have the opposite problem, I bulk up but also I hate bad food, I like fresh, healthy food with little or no sodium/sugars. I also am repulsed by people that gorge on food. Like literally, I will stop eating entirely if I see someone doing that and if you go out to eat in America.. it's not hard to see someone laser focused on inhaling their entire plate as fast as possible.

I think having my mindset on food would fix the obesity problem in America over night lol

But yeah... food is seriously the key and cardio helps with so many things too from mental health to heart health, self confidence, etc.
@walkntune I found these creatine pills and each one is 2.5 so I take two a day and I think it has helped me build some muscle. Also some research suggests it can help with keeping the brain sharp too
@smm This is the only answer. Although recomp is hard. OP should have goals (slim down or gain muscle) and make the right choices to do that
@honeysuckledreams Get a hormone / blood test - and adjust your diet based on what a dietician will recommend looking at your levels.

Then, delete facebook and hit the gym and make sure calories out are more than calories in 🤣

For me it was as simple as: Eliminating beer and alcohol. That’s all I needed in my calorie intake.

Hormone balance and blood analysis: I needed to eat more Good fats, I was attempting to win by going more vegetarian… soy was messing my my metabolism. So I was told I need animal fats, and not just lean meats — it actually brought my cholesterol down.

Genetically - based on where your lineage is from… some people process foods differently, so being more Mediterranean descended for me, this means higher fats do well. It also means corn messes me up, as do soy products
@honeysuckledreams Figure out your TDEE with an online calculator. Set for sedentary unless you’re really truly active most of the day. Download a calorie tracker, set it to be about 500 cal below your TDEE, stick to that number and expect to lose about a pound a week.

While doing this, lift heavy weights frequently, and ensure you’re getting ~1g per lb of lean body mass of protein every day. Shakes will help. Eggs, cottage cheese, meat, canned fish like sardines and tuna and oysters, liver, all good. You will likely not grow much muscle but you can retain what you have. Your lift numbers will not improve noticeably while cutting.

Drink lots of water, take fiber supplements to help with hunger and also bc fiber is good for you and we should all be taking it. Sparkling water can help with hunger as well. You’ll be hungry so just get accustomed to it.

Keto can also be helpful but not everyone likes it, it is challenging to maintain, and if you’re not careful it can pose some cardiovascular health issues.
@honeysuckledreams Do both but do low intensity long duration cardio zone 2 - like buy a marketplace treadmill, build a plywood incline and walk an hour a day with a heavy backpack or weight vest on and then start with compound heavy lifts if you can. However, diet is how you will achieve your goals. Buy egg white cartons and add sugar free chocolate syrup. Sugar Free jello with nonfat greek yogurt. Eat all the chicken breasts. Four eggs a day.