I am 14 y/o and I have a question


New member
As I said I'm 14 and 1.6m tall not overweight,nor underweight and I am going to the gym for some time and I am seeing results but I have a sense that it's not the right time to go at gym and workout as I do because my body is yet developing and I do not want to hurt myself in some way or stunt my growth(I am kind of short).I would like someone that knows this domain,like a trainer, to tell me if I should not go anymore at gym and just stick with basic sports and cycling with friends.Thank you for the response in advance.
@crobads Lifting will not stunt your growth.. It's a myth.

Start by going to FitWiki and read all of it, ALL OF IT. There are several easy digestible articles on training, diet and routines. The FAQ page will probably answer all your follow-up questions. Then pick a program from the recommended routines, preferably the beginner program . Go on YouTube, and you will find several videos on how to perform the different exercises.

I would start with the following articles:
- Getting started with fitness
GL dude!
@zach17 That is true but I never found a 14 y/o that says so,and I wondered if there are any even,but as I learned the optimal training age is 16-17.
@zach17 idk that's what I found,possibly because of the fact that untill then the body develops as it should but after are just small changes.
@crobads I'll just repeat myself, lifting will NOT stunt your growth, and there is no 16-17 ideal lifting age.. I think we are done here.
@crobads You’re refusing to acknowledge literal evidence that was link that completely nullifies your opinion

Lifting does not stunt growth. End of discussion
  1. I'm glad you investigated yourself and found that you did nothing wrong, but if someone not related to the transgression whatsoever was motivated to say something perhaps you should take a moment to consider that you might have a bias.
  2. Phrases like "end of discussion" and "completely nullifies your point" are neither neutral nor chill, and more importantly are not how you should talk to kids.
@crobads I've been working out since 15 and it hasn't affected my growth, its your genetics that decide your height and body type but its you that adds muscle to it and keeps it strong and healthy. If you'd like my opinion start weightlifting young and you'll learn to love it throughout your whole life, im 24 now and i have an averagely muscular build, not too buff but healthy and ive never stopped working out because i love it and how it makes me feel and look.