I am horribly asymmetrical


New member
From years of playing lacrosse (through d1 college) I am extremely asymmetrical, primarily in the upper body. My legs are generally fine. My delts are probably the worst, followed by lats, with r>l. My left obliques are also much stronger than my right. I know I should do dumbbell rather than barbell exercises for most stuff like chest press, shoulder press, curls. Should I go heavier on the left to build muscle faster?
@burks_patrick Just free riding on your question, OP, but how much asymmetry is considered 'normal'?

I notice sometimes when adding weight to my squat or OH press that my right side feels stronger than my left. It's not particularly affecting my form, but it is noticeable. Should I work on building up my left side, or is it okay to have one stronger leg/arm?
@burks_patrick Bret Conteras had this 2:1 method for muscles imbalance (in legs) where you do unilateral exercises and for each set you work the weaker side of the body twice. start with the least dominate side, then move to the dominate side and then the non dominate again. Think that would work well.
@dawn16 Going clockwise around a track is soooooo disorienting though! I used to have to make myself sprint to the right back in training days but it always felt extremely confusing.
@burks_patrick Totally! I try to go clockwise as much as I can in an attempt to even myself out and become a more rounded skater. It's humbling when you can barely perform things in the other direction.
@burks_patrick Pick a weight and when you can't do the reps on the weak side stop. Your weak side will see more gains than the stronger side. This is the safest way to do it. lifting with different weights can be awkward.