I can’t gain muscle??

@frelibro Well then it's time to troubleshoot and be honest atleast towards yourself. No need to convince random people on the internet.

Look over your rest, because muscle is grown during resting. Sleep. Do you get enough sleep?

Calories and protein, as you cant build muscle without eating enough. And don't assume, often times humans can't properly eyeball calorie intake. Count and write down calorie intake and even that can have up to 20% error rate. Basic principle of CICO still applies, if your weekly avarage weight isn't moving up then you aren't eating enough, regardless of what that amount already is.

Consistency, training once a week and then taking a month long break doesn't count. It's recommended to hit muscle group 2-3 times a week. Especially if you have troubles growing.

Intensity, not that you see demons and yell during every lift, but go close to failure, recommendation 1-2 reps from failure and reach failure once in a while to make sure what your failure actually is.

Technique, can you actually feel the target muscle working and is it going through full range of motion? I've seen people using their whole body to literally throw weight around during hammer curls and I've seen people ¼ reping top/contracted part of the lift, which is the least hypertonic part of the lift.
@frelibro If your going 5 days a week - try this - substitute assisted or regress the calisthenics if you need too. So assisted dip and regular or close grip pushups instead of the ones I got.

Just eat +300 calories and get your protein and carbs right I guarantee you’ll make gains.

6wk cut - https://alphaprogression.com/5l0vh2

6wk bulk - https://alphaprogression.com/6DFe41

If not get boost camp and do alex bromleys kong or other programs for hypertrophy.