I did 5 pushups. I couldn’t be more proud of myself!


New member

Pre-covid I had been fairly average. About 170, 5’10. Though, I had a pretty strong lower body, my upper was never that good. My max was 12 (90% ROM) push-ups in gyms class. Skip two years later I’m 260 and pretty sad. I then decided in April of 2022 I would lose weight!

Now, I am about 210, and have starting lifting in the last month. I have grown stronger surprisingly quick. I was repping 65 for 3 x 8 on bench at the beginning and now am repping 105 for 3 x 8. I can even do a pushup again! Until like 10 minutes ago I thought I couldn’t even do one, yet I was able to do five. With good form too! I don’t think I could even touch my chest to the ground pre covid!

One of things I’ve now realized about working out is it’s not just about the big end goal. It’s also these little victories you win. I think they actually keep you more motivated!

I hope in a month I could beat my pre-covid record and more!
@b1inchrist Well done! 100% true. Small goals lead to big goals and you feel so great along the way.

For me, it was just consistency. It's easy to go one time and really go hard.... but then you have to come back and do it again? Eww.

I started super small. 3 pushups (on knees), 3 squats, 3 pulls ups (band assisted), 3 bench sit ups. That's it. Do 3 a day for a week. By day 3, I was already increasing the amount I did just because I could.

2 months later I'm using 12lb weighted vest and doing 30ish push ups and pulls ups per day. 100 squats, and 50+ bench situps.

Slow and steady wins the race! Keep at it!

2 months ago me would have scoffed at the thought of doing 100 squats in a day. What am I, a super athlete!?!?!

Small wins.

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