I have no idea how to keep going

@flameinthesnow Why isnt anyone talking about diet here?

You clearly have no energy! Motivation is a fsctor sure, but not providing your body the rught fuel at the right time might be your problem. What do you eat in a normal day?
@flameinthesnow This is such a common problem which I also had but this video actually helped me so much. It's not my video if you're worried I'm posting this for myself. It's 30 min but it helped me SO much

@flameinthesnow On days I find getting up extra difficult I’ve tried this (semi bullshit) mantra/thought process:
I deserve to spend time improving my health! My body deserves an hour of exercise. I deserve to spend time working my body and making it strong.
Thinking of it as an investment that I deserve, almost a privilege that I earn with hard work at other times.

Other times I just promise a reward later, like a yummy protein-heavy breakfast or a nap.

Good luck!!
@flameinthesnow For me, taking classes was really helpful in motivating me and keeping me exercising for an hour. If I was just doing my own workout with weights and cardio machines it was easier to quit. Now I belong to a hot yoga and fitness studio with 60 min classes. Once I'm in there I am able to push myself much more than I could if I was by myself. There's also some great spin studios and classes out there. It might help you feel more motivated to be in a group with an instructor.
@flameinthesnow The problem is in your head and so is the solution. I am a lazy fuck, stoner, dreamer, i love indulgence.

And yet i managed to go to the gym 160 times since last june. Me, out of all the people.

The reality is i just pick myself up and make my legs walk to the gym. And im working out pretty intensely. For myself. Its selflove for me.

You got to find your own reason you can stand behind. It is different for everyone. But it starts and ends in your head.
@flameinthesnow Regarding exercise: the goal is to find a ROUTINE that works for you and do that as often as possible. And as it turns out from a recent study, you don’t NEED to stretch before a workout—but you might want to consider working on other muscles and alternate.

Regarding your 5AM: lol why? Just sleep—all your fasting, muscle growth, and recovery occurs mostly during sleep anyway.

Regarding office job: Park further away or bike or scooter to the office job. Seems like a burden, but it could be an easier routine to pursue at first.

Regarding your personal trainer: fire them. They’re not motivating you and not getting to you and you’re not committed enough to care. Waste of money and very disrespectful of their time and your own. Don’t feel shame or guilt over this—it just isn’t working and a routine that you can commit to is the best routine.
@flameinthesnow I also have a problem getting up sometimes. So instead of the gym I scheduled classes and when I schedule it it makes me go and I go before work I can never find the motivation to go after work
@flameinthesnow A stand up desk may help. For some reason, sitting through the day makes me tired. Once I got a stand up desk I have no problem with fatigue preventing me from walking! I work from home so the change was easy, but you may have to convince an employer. Sitting all day can cause significant pain in your tailbone area.

Also, get checked for sleep apnea. It can give you the symptoms you speak of.

Finally, start off with walking for 15 minutes after work at a light, leisurely pace, and only increase when you feel like it. Getting up in the morning is too hard so you won’t keep that habit and you really need your sleep! Also, when you are tired if you try pushing too hard you won’t want to do it. So start light and increase as your body gets used to it. In no time you’ll be doing more.