I need help getting back at it


New member
I used to run regularly. I’ve never been fast or elite, but I was healthier physically and mentally. I ran every other day, usually 3-6 miles. On weekends, I’d go out on trails for hours. Now, I don’t. I’ve allowed life and my job to take over. And I’ve become fat and unable to run. I want to run again. It’s been really difficult to get started and stay going.

I think I need to start with walking. I live in a place where it’s dark and cold all winter. The sun comes up around 8:30 in the morning and sets around 4:30. So I don’t have a lot of motivation to get outside in the dark and on the icy ground. I could join a gym. But I hate them. They feel like germ magnets and I feel stressed out being indoors with all of those people. It isn’t relaxing or motivating.

I don’t know what to do. I want to feel my body moving freely and healthily.

If you have any helpful suggestions, I’d love to hear them. Thanks.
@trainando Fitness journeys work best when there’s goals involved to keep you moving forward. Wanting to be “healthy” is a good start, but are you trying to improve your cardiovascular capabilities? Put on muscle or lose some fat? Once you’re able to better define what you want from yourself, it’ll be much easier to find the motivation to fit in exercise in your regular routine.

I’m going to warn you though - try not to make too many excuses. “It’s too cold”. “It’s too dark”. “There’s too much germs”. While all those things can be certainly valid concerns, I’m willing to bet there’s a reasonable solution to them. The question just becomes do you have the discipline to act on those solutions despite things like your job or daily life to impacting your fitness.

As for the apprehensiveness to gyms, I get it. I do. Not sure where you live, but there should be options for smaller private gyms to go to. The bigger popular gyms are the ones that might be a bit too busy or unsanitary for your liking. But some personal trainers will have their own private gyms for their clients which could have as little as 4-5 people in it at one time. That’s going to be a more expensive route to take, but it’s an option.
@trainando I would suggest you work on lowering your barriers to begin exercise.

Given you said you live in a cold dark place, and aren't a fan of the gym, I would invest in some indoor gym equipment. And for some diversity of activity, I'd probably pick something like an airbike or elliptical, so you're not just running all the time.

What do you think about strength training? You can do that at home too, and it might be fun!
@trainando If you want it enough you’ll find a way. I’ve got 5 kids, a wife, and a demanding career and I started prioritizing my health this year by sacrificing and waking up early, or staying up late for gym sessions. And I feel the best I’ve felt in years as a result. If it’s too cold and dark outside, and you’re turned off at the idea of the gym, can you get a treadmill or stationary bike for home? I know they’re pricey and take up space, but your health is worth it if it’s possible.
@trainando Start with a couch to 5km program! There are apps for your phone as well. It will get you running (and walking at first) and is easy to follow.
@trainando You need to find enjoyment from it, so don’t force yourself to the gym it seems like your passion was running and long trails, so focus your energy working up to that. Remember it doesn’t take that long to make progress running, if you commit to running 3-4 times a week for 4 weeks your progress will far surpass your expectations. Commit to a running or walking, at least covering 2-3 km for the first week building up to a 5km by week 4, it’s take your body 2 weeks of doing somthing to become a routine once you get your first couple runs in that’s the hardest part done