I need help


New member
Im tired of looking in the mirror and seeing this thing. Im sick of feeling drained of energy all the time and seeing myself. I don’t want this anymore, I wanna be better, I wanna look better. I just don’t know where to start. I don’t know what to do or what to eat, last time I went to a gym a bunch of college guys just kept looking my way and laughing and I just don’t wanna step foot in a gym again. And it’s not like I can necessarily afford it. But again I just need help I feel lost. I heard that carb cycling is really good and imma try that for the food aspect of it but as far as workouts go, idk what to do, I’m really interested in calisthenics. What sort of workouts should I do, how frequently should I be working out. How often should I take breaks. I know nothing. So that you know, I’m 5’5” male 180lbs. I know this is gonna sound stupid but my body goal is like inosuke from demon slayer. I know I know. I just don’t want to be me anymore.
@katmack Don't hate what you are, be excited about what you can become.

What sort of workouts should I do
  • if you're not going to a gym then body weight exercises. Push ups, pull-ups, chin-ups, squats, leg raises, crunches, russian twists, ect.
  • if you cant do push ups yet or pull-ups then look up "push up progression" or "pull up progression" - boom you already have a clear goal in mind with clearly laid out steps.
  • if you already can do some of those, then the goal is to add more reps to your sets over time (time being in the order of weeks, not days)
  • for some you can add weight instead of rep. i.e. you can hold a heavy boot /pot when you do squats or hold your hands above your head if your doing crunches
how frequently should I be working out
  • 3-4 times a week, for about an hour. Probably even less time at the start. Break it down into set, 5 sets of 5 push ups will for sure push you to failure you first time. Not being able to do a rep is great, it means you've pushed yourself. But then you have to let those muscles recover. So no, don't do 100 push ups a day, do sets of reps until close to failure then recover for at least a day before doing that exercise again.
  • experiment with different rep ranges / set amount and find the ones that work for you. e.g. I was doing bench for 3 sets of 5 for a while then I started doing 5 sets of 5 with sliiightly lower weight and oh boy was it better for growth.
  • Fucking sleep. The killer of gains is 1. Not sleeping and 2. Not eating. Working out breaks you down, it's recovery that actually gives you muscles.
  • Do not absolutely destroy yourself day one. Going for 3 hours in one day is so much worse than going for 1 hour 3 days. The hard part to accept is the time scale needed. Think Dragon Ball, any time they need to get stronger they don't do it in a day, they enter the hyperbolic time chamber for a fucking year. Consistency is king. It might feel like you're not doing enough, but it's better to have energy for the next session then to go 100% and sleep for a week. No one works out by running marathons, they workout to be able to run a marathon
How often should I take breaks.
  • like during the workout? Between sets like around 1-2 min, but it really depends on you, let your heart rate come down a bit and you should be breathing normally before starting. Between exercises, you can rest like 5 min, but again listen to your body. It's better to rest a bit longer to have better form / control.
Cut out soda, if you vape switch to gum - but don't hate yourself for indulging occasionally. Being health most of the time is way more achievable goal than all of the time.

gl fam
@katmack Learn to eat well first then find an exercise for each part of your body that you can properly perform 5 reps repeat every muscle twice a week add a rep every session if possible once you reach 8 reps increase the weight do that for a year then start an intensity plan and bulk for 3 years then youll be closer to your goal than ever
@katmack 1) How old are you ? I didn’t see that posted.
2) Pushups are a beautiful exercise and can do wonders ! You can do soooo many variations to place emphasis on other muscles as well :) !
If you’re within walking distance to some monkey bars you can get a phenomenal back workout with pull ups, chin ups, reverse benches! Arms / chest you can do dips ! Consistency is #1 most important :)