I need some advice regarding my diet


New member
So i was just wondering if i’m eating right for 1000 cal deficit. Trying to lower my bodyfat to around 15% I know the inbody scan are not 100% accurate but it should give a general idea of my current body

So i’m having: 1650 cal per day 2650 cal on cheat day - once a week

This is my inbody scan
This is my daily macronutrients for ~1650 cal
Any tips or feedback is very appreciated 😁
@angel41 Can you share which foods you're eating?

I'd suggest increasing your fibre intake slightly, rule of thumb I use is 10g of fibre per 1000 calories, so for you that would be 16-17g of fibre.

Fibre will keep you full and keep your bowels operating like clockwork.
@gklee so typically i'll have 2 protein shake + 500ml milk + banana + 40g of fibre cereal + half a serving of greek yogurt for breakfast which is about 550 cal in total

The rest are into about 500g of fillet chicken or 400g of prawn/salmon. I tried to added some kale/spinach in but apparently not enough. I tried to target 2g protein/1kg of body and it's kind of hard to have some more food without exceeding calories. But i'll try to eat more vegetable.

I find it so hard to reach 20-25g of fibre
@angel41 Not related to your main question but if youre on an agressive cut you should really avoid so many liquid calories like starting your days with 500ml of milk on a hardcore cut seems super stressful
@dawn16 I tried to have as much protein possible with that amount of calories. That's why i drank so much milk. But i might need to reduced my milk consumption to replace it with more fibre.
@angel41 There are so many more calorie protein efficient foods than milk tho, in fact the ratio is pretty bad and I never saw milk as a protein source. Try curd, skyr, egg whites. I mean damn even whole eggs have a better Ratio and they are all solid foods
@angel41 I mean I am not gonna tell you to not have any milk. If you like it and arent hungry, by all means have it. All I am saying is if you have the choice dont drink any calories. And that its also not a great choice for getting in protein for as little calories as possible. I am 4.5 weeks out and I cannot imagine using up like 500 kcals every day for liquid calories
so typically i'll have 2 protein shake + 500ml milk + banana + 40g of fibre cereal + half a serving of greek yogurt for breakfast which is about 550 cal in total

wait what? 500ml of milk is like 200 calories by itself. Pretty sure a normal scoop of whey protein is like 120 calories. So just the protein and milk are ~ 440 calories. A banana is ~100 calories, so you're at 540 not including the 40g of fibre cereal or half serving of greek yogurt
@cpf Yeah sorry for the typo 😂 it’s 650 cal. Half serving of cereal + half serving of greek is another 150. Protein scoop are now only 90 cal each. So in total 650 not 550
@angel41 Well a scan is not how you calculate BMR/TDEE, they’re highly inaccurate. Get an app like rp diet or macrofactor to estimate after 1-2 weeks of use or track your kcal and estimate based on weight change
@divinemercypilgrim i tried this calo deficit estimation both on google and a scan. And i did get approximately 1kg off per week for 4 months now. But apparently the weight reduction is being slowed down the past 2 weeks of only around 0.5kg. I went for a scan last week and it still suggest my current calo intake (~1650 cal). That's why i got confused with the reason why i didn't lose 1kg/week like i used to
I know the inbody scan are not 100% accurate but it should give a general idea of my current body

They're 0% accurate and effectively useless. You can't even track trends with them.

You've left out the most important information: are you losing ~2lbs per week?
@sugarcookies Yes, i did lose 2lbs/week for like 4 months (from 90 to 76). But it slowed down to 1 lbs/week for the past 2 weeks when i started to change my diet.
Before, i would have the same 1650 cal, but higher carb with around 120g protein/day. Now i eat the same 1650 cal but approximately 160g protein per day with lower carb. That’s why i’m checking for mistake.
@angel41 Your weight loss slowed down because you've lost 14kg, not because you adjusted your macros.

As your body mass decreases, so does your TDEE, so you need to eat progressively less to stay in a 1000 calorie deficit.
@sugarcookies This is why for cuts I don't think it's a good thing to aim for a target calorie deficit throughout the cut. But instead to set like a -1% body weight per week goal. Because it will get progressively harder to lose 2 lbs/week as you go down in weight. But it will be easier to go down say 1% per week when you're down to 76kg. You can use a formula in spreadsheet software to calculate the percentage of body weight loss per week to see if you're on the right track.

=(Current Weight/Starting Weight) ^ (7/Days cutting)

So if your goal is -1% per week (so your body weight should be 99% of what it was a week ago), if the result is less than .99, that's a fast cut. If it's higher than. 99, that's a slow cut. And that varies by how far away you are from .99.