i need some help


New member
So i'm 20 y.o 5'11 , my weight is 84-85 kg , i've been bulking since January 2022 ( was 69-70 kg ) , i gained weight and some fat ( which ik it's normal ) , the 2 things i wanna ask about :
1- since i played soccer before my legs look hugeee compared to my upper body , i never skipped legs and i'm happy ofc that i have good legs but still my arms , and my upper body overall doesn't look as big as my legs if u know what i mean ? I changed my split ( it was ppl)
But now ( ppl and arms ) , i'm always willing to learn in this sport , i push myself really hard wether it is legs / chest / arms ... Whatever , i noticed a change ofc but i'm still kinda insecure about my upper body ( especially my arms and shoulders ofc compared to my lower body )
So idk should i train my upper body twice a week and legs once ? Or does it work like that ? Like the arms and shoulders take longer to grow ?

2- i was bulking since January 2022 ( joined the gym in may 2022 first i started at home) , so now i gained some fat , my abs are not so visible and i would say i'm 18 body fat or so ... , So my second question , should i stop the bulk considering i want to develop my arms / shoulders ,. If yes how should i cut. ? Like how many weeks and how many calories deficit should i go for in your opinion ?
If no how much further should i go ?

Ik it's a long text i appreciate the help
@embreezy The rate of muscle growth differs from muscle group to muscle group and from person to person. If you want to focus on the upper body, it might be a good idea to train it twice a week and legs once.

Should you lose weight or bulk up further? It depends on what you prioritize most right now. build muscle mass or look more defined.
Alternatively, consider a 3-5 week mini cut, where you aim for a 700-1000 kcal deficit daily.
Then you lose a little fat mass and your abdominal muscles become a little clearer, but you quickly return to bulking and building muscle mass.