I think I gained fat even though I lost weight. HOW????????


New member
F16 here and I have gone from 54kg to 52.2kg in the last two-ish months
Yes I know that this isn’t waterweight because 2 months is a long time and my weight never used to go below 54kg before.

Now I checked my body fat % with the us navy thing before and it was 22.8% around 3 months ago.
Now it’s 23.5%
How is that possible. I’m so frustrated because I knew I felt fatter even looking at the mirror but I didn’t believe it.

I’ve also been doing body weight/ calisthenics workouts 1-2x per week
Also t with some form of cardio almost daily

So how is this possible and how can I lose the fat. I suppose I ended up losing more muscle? Ughhh
@shiwang90 Methods of measuring body fat aren't particularly reliable, you might have measured differently or it could simply be that you're a bit bloated, both of which would cause an incorrect measurement being bloated can make you "feel fat" without you actually having any extra mass

Don't get bogged down in the weeds, keep it simple. You're losing weight and doing resistance training, you're on the right track
@shiwang90 You’re feeling fatter because you probably look and feel a little “mushier.” Your skin is losing the fat that was keeping it plumped out, but you haven’t built any muscle to replace the fat. So everything may feel a little saggy for a while, but keep going. Start incorporating at least a day a week of really challenging your body with lifting weights, so you can start reframing those bones with curvy muscles. It’s a shift for your body composition but it’s a good thing.

At the point that you start replacing fat with muscle structure, you also may start to notice your weight plateaus, even while your clothing size continues to decrease.

Fitness is a lifelong journey, just keep going!
@joyce65714 If you knew anything about exercise science, you'd know that studies on the topic require a functional grounding in practical experience to actually be useful. Utilizing them also requires a fair amount of scientific literacy, which I doubt you have.

If you did, you'd know how dumb this take this.

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