I think I gained fat even though I lost weight. HOW????????

@shiwang90 If you don’t have access to a DEXA scan, a much better option for the short term would be to measure around your waist, neck, arms, etc to see if they’re getting slimmer each week/month
@shiwang90 assuming your measurement devices were perfect, this can be attributed to water weight easily. not to get too personal, but if you've just had your period a week ago for example, you might retain water.

also at age 16, even if you can't see it, you're likely still developing. There is a strong possibility you are growing fat in your hips or breasts which is completely natural for a developing female which has nothing to do with your diet or routine.

bloating and puberty can drastically affect body composition.
@shiwang90 I'm not fitness expert. I'm also not a woman. However that being said I'm 23 now and I can only confidently say that my body has reached it kind of natural resting point in the last 1 or 2 years. Wouldn't be surprised if your body is still just developing on its own, like mine continued to do, well past the age of 16.
@shiwang90 If you want to reduce fat try to go in a calorie deficit is the best way to lose weigth apart form that:
  1. A lot of water
  2. More protein
  3. Eat some more fiber
  4. Try to workout intensely 3 time a week
  5. Sleep some more
  6. Reduce sugar intake
  7. Eat more greens
All of this helps but you are young and your current weight seems fine (not sure how tall are u) keep the good work

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