I try to do calistenics and try not to hurt myselft dooing them


New member
Hi Im new here. and looking for advice

Before I can commit to any program I want to be sure I am aproaching it right, down I have my prinicipias I plan on using on any program I will end up choosing. Do I have in there anything that might hurt me or my progress?

I plan to train

a) Till failure.

b) Trying to keep the number of reps between 1 and 5 (usually 3), but not sacrificing the first principle for it.

c) I use dropsets of 3: the first set with extra weight (85% of my one-rep max), the second set with nothing, and the third set with resistance bands for assistance.

d) I try to perform the "up" part of the movement as fast as possible to build up dynamic strength.

e) I try to perform the down part of a movement as slow as possible to gain the benefits of negatives that I've read so much about.

f) I stop at the top and bottom for about 2 seconds to not be carried by momentum.

g) I train in an up/down split 2 times a week, each with an up->down->recovery cycle, with intense cardio at the end of the week and moderate cardio as part of the warm-up routine.

h) I try to maintain the best form I can.

i) Range of motion is compromised on weighted variations to better incorporate parts that are already stronger, and extended on resistant band variations by giving me some more momentum in easier parts of the movement and taking some weight off of me.

j) I do a warm-up by doing a lot of jumping jacks (until I start feeling sweaty), and then moving around all joints that will be used during the workout (20 times in each direction).

My goal is to achieve the most strength in the widest range of motion. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
@lexgrl Thanks, to what precantage of faliure should I be dooing them(reps)? 70,80,90% or should I just do them to tequnique faliure insted of muscle faliure? Also would that effect optimal amout of sets?

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