I turned all of Reddit's best workout plans into a free fitness app

@teairrah The @ is a short form for RPE, which is a rating of 1-10 to show the difficulty to take a given set. 10 refers to you aim for a weight that takes you to muscular failure within the 3-6 rep range
@terasee Hi, I highly appreciate your effort to helping out others
I am also highly concern with my fitness and shape
I am 36 yrs old Male
I had kidney transplant last year
I went through lowest of health conditions in last 5 years
I started exercise and some basic Yoga 6 months ago
But I don't feel any progress in my strength and muscle gain
I want to be active and strong with significant physical stamina
I am maintaining my weight and diet easily (but having fat on belly and low muscle in body)

I exercise at home in my room
I do pushups, squats, plank, jumping, using resistance wires for biceps, back etc

But my elbow and knee joints starts paining by exercising that make me stop certain movements

There is also cracking sound coming from my left knee on movement

I can go long on plank but elbows hurts

My bones became very weak during Dialysis before transplant

Now I am very confused what to do .. how to gain muscles and strength and also bone density

I am taking enough calcium and vitamin D from natural sources

Please help me out and guide me

Thank you very much
@djjimmy14500 If you have serious pain when exercising, I highly suggest that you seek professional help from a physical therapist first. It's hard for me to prescribe you with an action plan without seeing your health and physical fitness.

With that caveat, if you're able to do pushups/squats/planks/etc at home, I recommend that you check out some of the at-home beginner programs on the app like the r/fitness Primer, Recommended Routine, or Functional Strength 101.

Wishing you the best of luck on your fitness journey.
@terasee Thank you so much for your suggestion

I consulted this with my doctor, he said my all tests are ok. No serious problem is here

But yes, I think I need to consult physio

Which is hard to find in my area and location

Some of them are here but they only treat handicaps and very serious patients

That's why I looking online for guidelines
@remington007 Check out Length & Strength. It is an awesome flexibility & mobility program made by Matt Hsu (Upright Heath on YouTube) that only takes 15 min a day with video instructions!
@terasee I actually just figured it out. I had to start a program and click the 3 little dots and click on demo. I thought u were able to see videos before starting the program. Can you give me a good workout plan to lose weight. I see a lot of muscle training but not many cardio. I'm 290 pounds and right now my main focus is to lose weight. I'm all new to exercising and I'm completely lost on where to start
@chabifojaruveil That's literally what I'm doing right now, too! I'm just shy of 250#, and have no clue where to start. trying to focus on the weight loss, stress reduction, and cardio health. I can't get to the gym. I have 4 kids and am in too many different organizations to have time for a gym routine. Hoping this app helps, because paying for an app routine seemed ridiculous and was a turn off to wanting to try app based exercise.