I want to lose weight, but am afraid to “wreck my metabolism?”


New member
4ft 9.5 inches. SW: 109, CW: 105
Hi all! Newish to weight loss, started about a month ago. I’d like to get down about 10-12 more pounds to be around 93-95 ish but I’ve heard things in the past along the lines of losing weight too fast or being jn a deficit too long could lead you to messing up your metabolism, and you might gain even more weight than what you started out with in the beginning. Is this true?
Tbh I’m not tracking or anything, just eating less than before and always wary of eating to the point of getting too full. So far so good and I feel good, just afraid to damage my body/hormones/metabolism.
  1. Strength training 3-5 days a week and light cardio (like 1 day a week or less) 2. Take breaks every so often form exercising and being in a calorie deficit. Most trainers recommend every 12 weeks rest and eat at maintenance 3. Protein, protein, protein
@gorightgirl Lose weight slowly. Increasing your muscle mass is a great way to get some positive goals going and it makes it easier to maintain your weight loss long term.

If you can shift your focus from your weight to your body fat percentage, it is easier to keep a positive mindset. It correlates more strongly with your waist size than your weight, so consider tracking it. A healthy waist size is half our height or less.

Sounds like you're on the right path. I have crashed my metabolism before and definitely knew about it, I felt cold and spaced out. Eat more on the day it happens and you'll be alright.

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