I would love some suggestions for my workout routine! 31M 5'7" 168lbs

Hello everyone.

I am not new to working out, but I am new to bodybuilding.

A little history. I have always been physically active. My late teens and up to my late 20s I did a variety of workouts including muscle endurance workouts, powerlifting (hang cleans max 225 lbs, 185lbs for jerk; at the time weighing 140lbs), HIIT, yoga, you name it... There was a good stretch I worked out at home doing pull ups, push ups; basically body weight workouts. I have to admit, I did neglect my legs. I did eventually had a fissurectomy (basically your butt ripping lol) due to the cleans and bad technique when it became heavier.

Though the last year and a half I have been going back to the gym and working to build more muscle and want to achieve a bodybuilder like physique. I did gain a lot of weight in that period 30lbs. I try to eat a vegan diet and am healthy.

I want to share my workout plan and see what all of you think. What I can add or subtract, your input is appreciated.

So I generally split my workout into 2 days and try to repeat that twice a week. I do work in a hospital and since we don't really have a set schedule,I don't workout the same days, but I do workout 4 times a week. Also, for injury purposes, I do mostly machines. However, I started incorporating hang cleans because I do love them and is a great mass builder (from my prior experience with them). I do try to do light weight for those. Sorry beforehand my rep ranges are not on spot. It can range mostly from 6 -8 reps. If I can get some feedback on that, that would be great too.

Day 1: Chest/Shoulder/Triceps - Abs

Incline Bench Machine 5 x 8

Decline Chest press 5 x 8

Shoulder press 5 x 8

Chet fly 3 x 8

Rear delt fly 3 x 8

Triceps press 3 x 8

Triceps extension 3 x 8

Lateral should raises 4 x 8

Ab crunch machine 5 x 8

Oblique crunch machine 4 x 8

Day 2: Back/Bi, Leg

Hang Clean 5 x 6-8

Front Pull down 3 x 8

Lat Pull down 3 x 8

Cable row 3 x 8

Biceps curl 5 x 10

Back extension 5 x 6

Leg press 5 x 8 - 10

Seated leg extension 5 x 8

Leg curl 5 x 8


Thank you in advance and sorry if there is any type-o!!
@theanonymouschristian The volume distribution is pretty wonky. Break down your volume in terms of sets per muscle group per week, not considering crossover at all.

Chest 26 sets

Shoulders 24 sets

Triceps 12 sets

Upper Back 28 sets

Biceps 10 sets

Posterior Chain 10 sets

Quads 0 sets

Most of the scientific literature points to 10 - 20 sets per week being optimal for the majority of individuals. You fall outside of this range for the vast majority of your lifts. If you consider the fact that a chest press also works your shoulders and triceps, your volume numbers start to get completely ludicrous.

You also really don't work legs whatsoever. So I'd lower volume and get your volume more evenly distributed to start
@theanonymouschristian Sure, here's a program I've run in the past with great success. It's focused on strength, and has 12 sets per week for pushing, pulling, and legs. the notation is:

exercise sets x reps @ first set RPE - progression scheme

Day 1 - Volume

Front Squat 2 x 8 @ RPE 5 - linear progression

Bench Press 3 x 8 @ RPE 5 - linear progression

RDL 2 x 6 @ RPE 5 - linear progression

Day 2 - Intensification

Bench Press 3 x 4 @ RPE 7 - linear progression

DB Row 3 x 10 - 12 @ RPE 7 - wave loading

Standing Overhead Military Press 3 x 6 @ RPE 6 - linear progression

Chin ups 3 x 8 @ RPE 6 - linear progression

Day 3 - Strength

Low Bar Squat 4 x 4 @ RPE 7 - linear progression

Bench Press 3 x 2 @ RPE 7 - linear progression

Deadlift 4 x 4 @ RPE 7 - linear progression