Ideas or tips for routines using my home gym


New member
M22 6’0 I’m on my weightloss and fitness journey I started mid 2019 at 400+ and with ups and downs I made it down to 270 I’m currently 297 but after gaining some back and losing again since January I have been working out consistently 5-6 days a week 20-30 minutes of weights (dumbbells,barbell,kettlebell and resistance bands) followed by 20-30 minutes of cardio mainly hitting the heavy bag all this on top of working construction Monday-Friday I try to also walk a straight 5 k every day of the weekend for about a month now to makeup for my lack of movement from not working on the weekends but I’m not hitting any groups or have a dedicated routine or plan if sombody could help me figure out a balanced routine or any advice or tips or tricks would be appreciated!
@kalisha78 Super impressive what you’ve done so far. Congrats on that. I would recommend checking out the r/fitness wiki page. It has lots of great info, including routines to follow for all types of fitness goals.