I went totally plant based for over a month for health reasons and recorded my results. My testosterone plummeted (male) any ideas?

@suomisidney I might actually do this. I've estimated a few days in a row that I eat anywhere from 2000-2500g Cal's consisting of about 50-60g protein, 30g fat, and 300-400g carbohydrate. If that's accurate I should be alright but I know how easy it is to miscalculate.

I feel like I might be low on zinc or magnesium perhaps.

The strange thing is my strength in the gym has not suffered too badly considering I'm also losing some fat.

My SHBG is high which is binding up the free testosterone otherwise I would be okay, I think.
@kipdave Your protein and fat intakes are both on the low-end. Add some more healthy fats, make sure you are getting a daily source of omega-3 ALA fats (flax/chia), bump up the protein, and as others have said, track your food for a few days to check your micronutrient intakes. B12, D, E, zinc, iron, selenium, magnesium, and iodine are all nutrients to watch out for.
@kipdave Without knowing your body comp, it's hard to say "protein". It's likely a bit on the low side, but I call BS on "you need more than 100g". A guy like him sits at 1.5g per kg of bodyweight. I'd argue he needs it, and most people would be fine around 1 to 1.2g of protein per kg of bodyweight (still more than you, likely).
@kipdave If you’re hitting the gym hard you may up your protein just a bit to around 1g/kg body weight or around 100ish grams of protein daily and double-check you aren’t under-eating.
@kipdave Let’s look at the facts; you have been plant-based for a month, your blood test was taken on January, your calories and especially fat intake seems to be low.

Testosterone tends to plummet during the winter, especially if you’re low on vitamin D but also because of the lack of sunlight. I know this is a big factor for me, if I don’t get enough sunlight I get depressed and I’m pretty sure my testosterone get lower.


Testosterone get lower when on a calorie deficit especially when carbs are restricted, I doubt this is your case but your fat intake seems to be low and that could be the problem.

What is your training like? Stress levels? Sleep? Overtraining and high stress can cause testosterone levels to plummet due to high cortisol. Sleep is also critical for testosterone.
@sghajian I was trying to keep my macronutrient split at Carbs 60% (296g), Protein 25% (123g) and Fat 15% (33g).

I think I would be at least hitting fat most days, but no where near my protein requirements. This was based off doctors known in the plant based community but also from a plant based group fighting diabetes... they say that fat does not need to be that high.

I am in the middle of summer, and I get sunlight everyday when I go for my walks (it is late in the day and I do work in an office albeit).

I have been losing fat, probably lost about 3kg in the month I was plant based. Stats are now 77.5kg, 175cm and I have more muscle than the average male who does not lift.

Training is 4x per week. Upper/Lower 2 x a week. Hour long walks 4 x per week.

Sleep is average during work week usually 6-7 hours. On weekends I get 9-10. Stress is fine.
@kipdave I don't know if it can all be attributed to diet, the winter season can also have an impact.

Are you consuming as many calories as before going plant based? Eating too little can be why you were feeling tired.
Are you supplementing B12 and Omega3 and D3?

What could help is to eat less fruit and more healthy fats. Check your diet on Cronomer and how much a few pieces of fruit bring you. Not much, mostly sugar and a few vitamins (unless it's berries).
Go for nuts, almonds, seeds (especially flaxseed). Plenty of beans and other protein. Green veggies. Grains like wheat, oats, quinoa etc. And most importantly, make sure you're eating enough.
@lize Selenium isn't as crucial for testosterone as zinc and vitamin D would be.

Selenium is more crucial for optimal thyroid function.
@kipdave I’M no scientist or nutritionist but most articles I’ve read will state Brazil Nuts will boost testosterones and soy products will lower testosterone. But you do you.
@kipdave change macronutrients to 30-35f/35-40c/30p for 1 week with slight caloric excess

fat intake increases testosterone (especially non polyunsaturated fats)
increasing protein decreases testosterone - yes!, but it increases libido which is what u want mainly i suppose ;p

vegans usually r very anti protein and anti fat because they want to be anti-meat hipsters

also incorporte "some" fruits (not too many...maybe like 400g a day) - fructose helps binding shbg (that stuff lowers testosterone)

also be aware that shbg increases with intake of flax/walnuts/almonds (for whatever reason) (thats a bad thing in case that wasnt clear!)

blueberries and coconut r best for testosterone

brazil nuts r nice too - cuz of their micros and satfat

in my personal experience hempseeds r good too but i cant pinpoint why that may be (maybe high methionine? idk)

and red beets, watermelon and onions r great for bloodflow (if u know what i mean...:D)
@kipdave That’s weird I recorded my results and my testosterone went up....

Check out my post on my page. I’m not vegan completely but I don’t eat any dairy. I eat meat occasionally. Makes once a day or once every two days. I also supplement with zinc.

Take a look at my post, may help you out. Also check out dr. Testosterone on YouTube. He was helpful for me and could be helpful for you.

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