Idk how ppl in this sub are able to do low cal w/ 100 g+ of protein daily and workout so rigorously- I’m struggling with 1700 cals😭


New member
I’m trying to eat at maintenance (1700 cals for me) but it’s so hard especially with the protein intake. I often compensate with protein bars and shakes, which lets me have 62 g of protein for ~550 cals. It’s also easy for me since I work full time with school, so I’m always on the go. I was working with a sports nutritionist briefly for a consult and they recommended at least 140 g of protein daily for me.

I work out in the morning and I have a small pre workout breakfast and will have a protein shake after my workout (altogether 500 cals). I’ll then eat lunch around 1pm which is 700-800 cals for me (just a half cup of rice and a big serving of meat). I’ll then have a protein bar to tide me over over until work is over (300 cals). For dinner that leaves me with 200 cals 🥲

1700 cals isn’t even that low, it’s a pretty average intake for a short woman like me. I feel bad for struggling. I often have to skip dinner to meet my intake goals but then I’m so tired for my morning workouts. My diet is also lacking micronutrients and I’m like “where do I fit this in”? 🥲

Does anyone have advice on how to meet my nutritional goals in order to support training? I was thinking of doing cardio increase my tdee and afford me some more room to eat more.
@dikaioumenoi I eat a lot of yogurt or cottage cheese, along with veggies with some protein. You can also do lentils or beans. I eat about 115g of protein and my calorie target is 1350.
@dikaioumenoi Im Also eating 1700 and it sounds like you are eating foods that are more calorie dense than anything. A protein bar that’s 300 calories?? There are protein bars out there that are 190-200 calories and 20 grams of protein. Also kind of wondering how your lunch is that high in calorie if it’s just meat and rice? Are you making the rice yourself or getting those pre-packages rice cups? What meats are you consuming during lunch? I usually do a wrap or sandwich with 2-3 oz of boars head chicken, a slice of cheese, and the bread I use now has 90 calories a slice and 5 grams of protein per slice. So I can get 38 grams of protein for roughly 350 calories for lunch. That leaves plenty of calories for adding additional protein to be added. Beef jerky and lower calorie protein bars are a staple for me. I would search for alternative foods and ways you can cut calories out of your foods without sacrificing protein content.

Edit: also, those precooked bacon strips that you can microwave for a few seconds, and hard boiled eggs are additional lower calorie ways to get an extra boost of protein.
@belledandy I’ve tried a lot of protein bars and the only ones i like are power crunch, all the other ones taste like dough to me 😭 if you have any recommendations I would love to have them tho!

For lunch I usually eat baked chicken (2 thigh/leg pieces), 1/2 cup of rice, and roasted vegetables w/ a tbsp of oil. It’s a pretty heavy lunch but I’m genuinely so hungry, I could eat more tbh😭 chicken is 600 cals + rice is 100 cals, i usually roast vegetables since they’re low cal which adds another 200 cals if I want to fit it in. Rice is basmati rice made with a rice cooker!

I do want to limit consumption of lunch meat as my family has a strong history of colorectal cancer on both sides. I did used to eat a lot of lunch meat though that made it a lot easier to fit in protein 😭

Thank you for the meal recs though, I’ll see if I can try a wrap variation that works for me! A lot of my meals is just meat + rice so it gets boring after a while
@dikaioumenoi Not OP but have you tried leaner cuts of meat? Chicken breast gives you a lot more wiggle room with calories than dark meat. Lean ground turkey is another good option.

I also make a smoothie for lunch with nonfat Greek yogurt and peanut butter. Add blueberries, banana and kale or spinach. It's very quick and filling and delivers a ton of micronutrients. I also have an orange with breakfast every morning (usually eggs with extra whites). I first struggled with hitting micronutrient targets when I added in more protein. Now I just add more veg and fruit to anything I normally make.
@dikaioumenoi I just discovered Barebells protein bars. The caramel cashew, creamy crisp, and cookies and cream are my favorites, but all are pretty good. They can be found at Trader Joe's for $1.99 each if you wanna try at a low price.

In terms of eating, I've been sticking to 1300 - 1400 calories and easily hit about 120 grams of protein per day with protein powder, egg whites, boneless skinless chicken thighs, Greek yogurt, shrimp, and tuna. Shrimp are especially good cuz they're low calorie but very high in protein.
@ygking omg those protein bars look insanely good thank you for the recommendation!!

I could deff diversify my meat options, i usually go for chicken and maybe beef, seafood can be a better low cal alternative!
@dikaioumenoi There are protein bars and shakes less than 200 calories. (Quest, simply protein, pure protein)

Also 500 calories doesn’t sound like a small pre-workout breakfast; and why is lunch have to be 700-800 calories? Why can’t that get reduced a bit so you have more calories left for dinner/evening?

Maybe try adding a huge amount of veggies so you stay full but stay in a reasonable calorie range.
@zarif Do u have recs for ur fav protein bars and flavors? I’ve tried quest and it taste like dough😭

Sorry if it’s confusing, my preworkout breakfast is 250 cals (protein cereal + Fairlife fat free milk) and my post workout is ~230 cals (Fairlife core power 42 G protein shake)

I’m genuinely really hungry by lunch like I’ll eat 2 thigh/leg baked chicken pieces that add up to 600 cals and a 1/2 cup of rice.

I definitely do need more veggies though, I usually just eat roasted carrots and peppers since it’s relatively easy to prepare and low cal 😭
@dikaioumenoi Exactly! Not sure if you like eggs but an egg white scramble with fat free feta and veggies, plus a meat sometimes is a meal I always eat to meet my protein goals and get in good micronutrients.

Swapping bars out for more satiating proteins will make 1700 much easier to feel good eating!