Idk how ppl in this sub are able to do low cal w/ 100 g+ of protein daily and workout so rigorously- I’m struggling with 1700 cals😭

@dikaioumenoi I would cut down the size of lunch with less rice and meat and add way more veggies for volume. Maybe try a salad instead, if you need a carb you can add a bit of quinoa or rice. It sounds like a lot of what you're eating is calorie dense, check out the r/volumeeating sub for ideas! I'd swap the 300-cal protein bar with something like the Think Thin bars which are 150 or just a more filling snack, I like popcorn.
@dikaioumenoi How is your sleep? I find if I’m not sleeping well and feeling rested my body wants a lot more food.

What vegetables are you eating? Your lunch is just chicken and rice? Protein shakes and bars are tasty and convenient, but some have a decent amount of sugar and can make your blood sugar spike. Which leads to a crash and being more hungry later. Fiber helps control blood sugar. I would try adding some very low cal but dense vegetables in like broccoli, spinach, peas, brussel sprouts, carrots, chickpeas, celery. You’ll get more micronutrients and fiber which will help you stay fuller longer. Maybe sub some of the rice out for roasted broccoli and bring carrot sticks in a bag with you! Put some spinach in your after workout smoothie.

Choosing chicken breast instead of leg meat or doing half breast half thigh will save you some calories.

Make sure you drink 1ml of water for every cal you eat. (So for you 1.7 liters a day)

Good luck! Don’t forget muscle is built by your body while you sleep. :) get some zzz
@dikaioumenoi The protein thing is mostly marketing BS in western countries. You can listen to the great protein fiasco on Maintenance Phase to learn more or check out the Starch Solution to learn how weight loss is totally possible with carbs. Everyone in the US is getting enough protein. It comes down to calories and satiety. I have been traveling the world for a year. Other countries don't obsess over protein quantities eating rice or pasta all day and yet, have way less of an obesity problem than the US. I used to be on the protein delusion wagon too and am so glad to now be off.
@dikaioumenoi Chicken, girl! You know those big fat chicken breasts in the family packs? One of those is at least 50g of protein. Also, protein powders that are above 20g exist! The powder is cheaper than the pre made shakes, and they go all the way up to 50! Also, Oikos Pro yogurt cups are 25g of protein.
@dikaioumenoi I'm at 1400 cal and 130-140g temporarily, so I supplement a lot, but it's not long-term. I'm also vegetarian so I don't eat any meat at all.

I was going to suggest the Fairlife 42g shakes, but it sounds like you already do those.

Premier Protein has some pretty good premade shakes for 30g at 160 cal.

I recently found Legendary Foods, which makes "pop tarts" and sweet rolls with 20g between 180-230 cal. They're not the same texture as real poptarts, but I really like them.

I also like Kodiak Cakes waffle mix and oatmeal packets. I add egg and soy milk to the waffle mix instead of water and you have a pancakes or waffles with 20g protein.

I make protein shakes with ghost vegan protein powder, plain greek yogurt, soy milk, and a half scoop of plain pea protein that are 61g protein and just under 400 cal(meal replacement). You could probably get a higher protein count with whey powders, but they upset my stomach so I don't use them.

I try to replace this with higher protein versions, like instead of tortillas, I use egg wraps or the Folio cheese wraps, but they're a bit high for calories. I use Banza chickpea pasta instead of the regular kind. I also like Beyond jerky and Twin Peaks protein puffs as a snack when I'm looking for something salty.

I hope some of that is helpful.
@dikaioumenoi Eat to live. If not eating is making you tired, then there is something wrong there. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but you are doing your body a great disservice if you aren’t feeding it.