If I want to build muscle mass, which sets should I drop?


New member
I’ve been doing

4 x 20 Side Raises with 20LBs Dumbells
4 x 20 Front raises with 40LBs Curling Barbell
4 x 20 Rear Face pulls

Should I drop these for

4x12 but bigger weight if I want to gain mass

I was planning to add both 4x12 and 4x20 excercises
@wondering Seems you are only working upper body, you should also add lower body, especially gluts, hamstrings and quads.. And make sure you are taking protein supplements after working out
@wondering Keep the sets the same 4 sets is a good place to be. You could even go 4-6 sets. But you need to lower the rep range to the strength range which is usually around 6-8. So you want a weight on there that will allow you to get just 6-8. Add some more weight!!

The more reps you do the more toning and hypertrophy you will hit. (More for endurance type training).

Bigger weight and not as many reps. Time under tension is also huge for gaining mass. Time under tension is the time your body is doing the rep. So like a push up, usually takes maybe 3 sec down 1 sec hold at the bottom 3 sec up. If you increase that to 10 sec down a 5-10 sec hold at the bottom and 10 sec to come up then you will be struggling to do it again. Makes it much harder only because the time under tension was increased longer. Slow and controlled reps with a deep stretch.

Also are you doing more than just these handful of exercises?
@alex10 Yes, I only put those excercises for comparison, I want bigger shoulders so i just wanted to see what people would say whether if im wasting time on 4x20 sets
@wondering Okay I see. I would never say wasting time cause that workout is definitely keeping you the gains you’ve already made! But yes you really want to drop that rep range to 6-8 and bump that weight up! Add sets or even more weight if you feel like it’s not enough reps. Even if you do 3 reps with a heavier weight, you’re still overloading the muscles and promoting growth. Progressive overload is needed. Once you can move the weight consistently for 8 times you have to up the weight even if you don’t get 8 reps. It could look like this 1x8@135lbs
Might not get to 8 reps each time but your increasing weight and still getting good form reps to really shock that muscle into growing