in need of help! want to become QUADZILLA

@brokenjohninchrist You can pile on the accessories later! Start with just the basics and add extras over time.

You also don't have to do all of your favorite accessories at once. Choose your accessories for this month, or even this 2-week period, and then swap them out for others.

For example, it's very typical for a given slot on a workout to be RDLs for a while, then SLDLs, then deficit deadlifts, then cycle back to RDLs. You can do this with main lifts too if you really want.
@anon103 thank you sm!! the major theme i'm seeing is prioritize compounds and chill out with the accessories. and also have patience with muscle growth. consistency is key.

will be storing some accessories for the future and rotate them in. make sense to do that with accessories that target the same muscles.
@brokenjohninchrist Are you at a healthy weight? If you're still underweight or very lean, your expectations of muscle growth/size might not be realistic. The gains will come but it might take a few more months.

Also agree with the other comment that this might be a lot of volume/exercises at the expense of focusing on the major lifts.
@cheryl_trinitarian pretty underweight still. gaining weight though! i've outgrown some pants but a more of my growth went to my butt ? it's not huge or anything but i felt like my quads were slacking.

going to 1/2 my accessories and focus on major lifts. got it!

thank you :)
@brokenjohninchrist This is a lot. I relate to enthusiasm of starting GZCLP and wanting to add all the accessories, but doing this much three times a week (on top of upper body work two other days a week!) is going to be counterproductive. You're better off focusing on T2 lifts with maybe two T3 exercises per session, and scale it back to 4x week instead of 5x. How long have you been running the program for?
@chrisard ahh i sure did get excited about T3s. now considering cutting them in half! and i will focus on the major lifts instead.

i've been running the program for 3 weeks now! i'm used to bodybuilding programs like Body Beast so i'm always kind of drawn to volume whoops.

thank you for this advice!!!
@brokenjohninchrist Like someone else suggested, focusing on squats will do A LOT for your quads all by itself! GZCLP is more strenght based than volume, so I'd get some smaller plates if your gym doesn't have them, and prioritize increasing weight on your main lifts over accessories. Good luck :)