Incorporating TGUs with Q&D


New member
So...I recently finished the Simple standard from S&S and was looking for a way to change it up, so started the snatch program from Q&D which I highly recommend.

My plan is to stick with Q&D for about 8 weeks, then go for the Sinister standard. I’m a little concerned I will lose the progress I made on my TGUs which I am convinced is the best total body exercise out there.

Does anyone have any experience incorporating some TGUs with Q&D from a similar situation?

@deeann You can still do some strength work after your Q&D session. I personally do my TGU after my 2x sessions per week.

From the book:
"Seriously, you have only so much nerve force to put out in one session. Our experiments have shown that 200 total reps of max power exercise (100 pulls plus 100 pushes) are all an experienced athlete can handle with top quality. Sure, you could do some other stuff right after—strength, aerobic endurance, etc.—but you are done with speed and power for the day."

So you can do your TGU after your session. Enjoy