Individual events for the 2021 Rogue Invitational

@grace4nan I would’ve loved to see Fikowski here. Not all of these events are great for him, but he’s great at odd object events and there are a few good ones for him here.
@grace4nan I like actually like the events. To your point, the Mule is an actual repeat workout, right? And Rogue did the Bella Complex as one of their online community challenges too, I believe.

GORUCK, Concept2, and The Chipper all sound intriguing and not like something I recall seeing recently. Echo Burner just looks like it will hurt - a classic pain cave workout.
@grace4nan I find it really hard to gauge how fun and exciting an event will be to watch by the events on paper. Boring workout can be a blast if they are well set up and create exciting races. Sometimes I think it makes a better competition because it’s easier to compare to normal daily workouts so competitors can really call their shots.
@borikua Great competitors obviously make everything fun to some extent, but when you are not a qualifier, not the Games, you could be more creative.

it’s easier to compare to normal daily workouts so competitors can really call their shots.

The flip side is wouldn't you want athletes to be forced to risk it and be great strategists on the fly for a comp like this?
@grace4nan Totally fair. I am fan of both styles. In my head I see this event as a very classic CrossFit style comp. I am not sure why I classify it that way, especially over the Games, but the events just seemed to fit my preconceived notion of what it was going to be.
@grace4nan Interesting programming. Can't tell if I like this as much as the 2019 schedule. Really loved the DB snatch & press workout from that year, would love to see event 7 include some dumbbell work of some sort.
@disa I haven't analyzed it, but at first glance I was underwhelmed.

My first thoughts are the 60 Strict HSPUs vis-a-vis Horvath's ceiling in this comp.
@grace4nan Supposedly she's worked on those a lot the past year, so I'd love to see how she would do on those now vs. 2 years ago. Seeing her get shut out in 2019 because she couldn't get past 1 set of HSPUs sucked, because I assume she'd have destroyed the DB snatches.
@disa I don't think we talk about the notion enough that potentially she can't get them better (relative to other top Games athletes). Only by managing her bodyweight (which was not optimal after the '18 Games for a long time), but that's again only compared to her worst and not to other great competitors.
@grace4nan She has long arms. Any kind of HSPU is going to be harder when you have longer arms. Strict/deficit are even worse. Her bodyweight is as low as she can really get it (she has visable abs) and still perform well. Her boxy frame leads to looking "heavy" but she's not. At best I think she can hope for incremental improvement over time, and to get to where she's not going to bomb a strict HSPU workout, but realistically they won't ever be something she is "good" at. Just has to be good enough to survive and not get in her head about it.
@dawn16 Thank you for saying this. I’m really over people saying her weight is an issue. She is the second fittest woman on earth for Christ sake. Was Jacob heppner overweight when he couldn’t meet the hspu standard? Like you said, sometimes it’s a body proportion issue. Hopefully she’ll be fine since it’s just strict and not deficit.