Is 1600 calories a good deficit?


New member
So 40f 145lb 5’3”
I have recently begun to really count my calories. Before I was not too serious but I want to lose 20 more pounds to get to my goal weight of 125lbs.

I lift 3-4x a week, workouts usually last 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours. My tdee says maintenance is 2,010 calories and my bmr says 1,297. I try to get at least 100g of protein a day and stay under 60g of fat. I don’t really pay attention to carbs. I also get around 7,000-8,000 steps 5 days a week as I do instacart for my job.

I have tried to eat around 1400-1500 calories a day but I found it too restrictive for me so my question is 1,600 calories a day a good deficit for me to lose weight?
@perviasrectas It really varies between people. I’m the same height and am 143 from 195. I workout 5 times a week high intensity and get 10k steps a day and I started my calorie deficit at 1400 or so and I recently had to drop to 1250 or so because I hit a plateau 😩.