5'2" F 1600-1700 calories + some walking ?

@irishamerican4christ I doubt you’d be in a deficit with such minimal activity.

But the best thing you can do is give it a try for a few weeks. If you gain, then lower the calorie goal. No one here can really give you the answer you need, it’s really trial and error with your body to see what works. I think 1700 is likely too high for your activity but it’s not all that far off so it honestly might work for you just fine if your BMR is a bit higher and you have more muscle mass so you burn more cals at rest.
@irishamerican4christ it's unlikely u will be losing eating that much, especially if ur in normal BMI range. 8k steps isn't even enough to be considered lightly active.

for us short girls it's hard to lose as we need to drop calories pretty low and have to stop eating "normal" foods - myself 5'0 eating 1300-1350 currently, lifting 4 days a week + cardio and not losing anything significant after 2 weeks on a cut. i don't feel hungry (high protein and high volume diet does wonders) but there's noticeable difference in my gym performance since i started the cut. also, i do fit several snacks daily in those 1300 calories, and make sure to eat foods i enjoy. u should be having some kind of enjoyment in ur diet while hitting calorie goal, as it will make it sustainable long term.

i would recommend sticking to 1500 and getting used to whole foods. exclude simple carb altogether for a while if ur cravings are wild - it will be tough for some time, but simple carb in form of (often sugary) snacks we eat is actually garbage for our bodies - it gives cheap energy which can't be properly utilized due to lack of activity. and even if ur gonna increase activity drastically, eating high simple carb diet won't be sufficient as companies tend to make products with too high caloric density for anyone below athlete level to consume. it is fine to have few cookies but let's be honest most of people eat whole pack in one sitting. these foods also made to taste good so ur quite literally getting addicted to them, to the point when fruit doesn't taste sweet anymore. once u give ur body a good break from simple carbs, u will start enjoying whole foods more, ur energy levels will improve and u will feel better overall.

as we remove these foods we need to introduce more protein, healthy fats and complex carbs meaning u could eat lean chicken, eggs, yogurt and other dairy, fruits and veggies, nuts, plain popcorn, etc. if ur body is average (meaning u don't have abnormally high metabolism) then well spent 1500 calories will satiate u and give u decent amount of energy while also allowing u to lose weight. good luck
@irishamerican4christ 5'4, 120lb and 1700-1800 cal is my maintenance.

I do 30 mins fasted hills speed walk every morning.
45-60 mins heavy lifting 4-5 days a week.
2x 45mins moderate to high intensity bike cardio per week.

8500 steps average per day.

Edit: I've been using the adaptive TDEE spreadsheet for a few months so I'm sure my maintenance is accurate.
@irishamerican4christ I'm short too and 1600-1700 is maintenance for me most of the time. I have to go down to 1100-1200 to lose decently. I lift weights 3x a week for context. I normally don't subtract exercise from daily calories, as its never worked well for me personally.