Is fasting a good way to cut?

@jodiw Hi mate, I do the exact same thing and workout at roughly the same time (around 7am). I’ve found that it’s always a terrible idea not to eat something before you train as the intensity of your workouts will suffer over the long run. Instead, I generally forget fasting on the days I train and then intermittent fast on rest days (start eating window at around 11am). That way you get the utility of fasting without affecting your workouts.

I’ve done quite a lot of tinkering with my diet to make sure I’m feeling as full as possible and I made a video on it recently if you want to check it out? I’ll link it here:

I also made a video on how I’ve been getting enough protein in my diet as a vegetarian:
@dawn16 That’s really interesting thanks for sharing. I did actually just start fasting on my days off and then forgot to prep my overnight oats one day and just thought I might just see how I get on. I hear you about it affecting the sessions though as I would usually have oats before a workout and if your taking in 70ish grams of carbs before a workout that’s going to affect performance.

I’ll definitely check out your videos!
@jodiw Yeah I’m definitely not knocking intermittent fasting, I used to do it every day for a while. The problem only arises if you work out early like we do, in which case it does more harm than good. Otherwise it’s done me wonder.

Thanks mate! Really appreciate it!
@jodiw Replacing calories with salad is the best way. Your body tries its best to hold onto fat stores if you don't eat at all. And also takes some of that muscle too.