Is it most Effective to do each Stretch 1 minute every day or 7 minutes once a week? 🧘‍♀️

@godsgrl34 I have a personal trainer degree followed by tons of different courses completed after that. I will not go through my books and find the evidence you are looking for, but I am telling you how it is. Flexibility is a complex activity that involves the different types of stretching, involves the muscle spindles and GTO (Golgi tendon organs) , and also involves the different seconds of stretching. What I said in the comment above is the most simple way to answer a question. If you really want to increase flexibility, you cannot stretch once a week. It will be impossible to achieve developmental stretch. An advice I can give you is that you need to be careful to NOT cause a muscle imbalance by stretching one side of your body more than the other. All opposite muscles need to be trained and stretched the same, otherwise imbalances can cause bad posture, injuries and so on. :))
@godsgrl34 Dude, just stretch. Why are you overthinking such a simple thing?

If you're looking for "scientific literature", there's this amazing website called Google where you can type in words and it'll give you millions of results.
@amenradio I just don't want to waste my time on an ineffective practice.
I tried to search for litterature, but I'm not deep into the field, so not sure what to search for. That's why I'm asking in here