Is my 3 day split effective?


New member
Is my routine effective? I want wide shoulders and lats. 4 months training experience. I do the same workout 3 days M,W,F

Barbell Bench press 3x8
Hack Squat 3x8
Pullups 5xAMRAP
DB lateral raise 3x10
Biceps movement 3x10
Triceps movement 3x10
Lat pullovers/prayers 3x10
Chest fly machine (pec deck) 3x10
@scrollsaw sounds basic and non gimmicky which is good. aka will probably work for a while as a noob though a bit minimalist. would probably add a vertical press one day, a hinge like a rdl or stiffleg another day and alternate with heavy rows.

other than that are you getting stronger?
@mommajulesberry I’m getting stronger on the bench and pull-ups. Everything else I just go by feel and try to go to failure on each set, I don’t really track those.

Are you saying to do bench as well as a vertical press on the same day? What if I alternate between flat bench and incline bench on each day?
@scrollsaw i do believe that intentional progression on hack squats and rows, and ideally curls and pushdowns would be beneficial.

alternating with incline is probably a great idea. yes you can probably recover from doing overhead pressing on the same day as benching at least once in the week.