Is my metabolism F’d


New member
I have been lifting weights 5-6 days a week for the last 6 weeks and have been pretty good about cardio. 2-3 times a week sometimes with long sessions(playing multiple sets of tennis) and haven’t been crazy with my diet but also haven’t been bad and I usually hover around 2200-2400 calories a day. A big day of eating is at most 3k calories. I’m 6’0 currently 204 and wanna drop healthy weight but jumped on the scale this morning to see I’m at 205. How did I gain weight?? I used to try intermittent fasting for about a year until I saw recent research that suggested it wasn’t the best practice. Did that style of eating, wasn’t eating much during that period, mess up my metabolism. How do I reset it?
@worshiplady3 I found with my body, (no doctor here, or nutritionist, just a guy that lost 70 lbs in the last year) I started to “trick” my body I’d intermittent fasting for a few days, maybe a week then I’d switch to eating like a body builder then sometimes id have 2 meals sometimes I’d drink a gallon of water sometimes I’d drink just a couple bottles. I found that I’d just listen to my body and do what made me feel good and lean in the morning and then just stay away from carbs a lot. Especially at night
@worshiplady3 Your metabolism isn’t necessarily bad, I recommend (if you aren’t already) eating as healthy as possible and getting about 150-160 grams of protein in a day, also, remember everything adds up even if it seems small, so make sure you aren’t snacking or failing to count calories on add-ons. Also keep up working out and you will see progress. If you still don’t see progress I would cut down calories a bit but make sure you don’t starve yourself :)