Is skiing a good primary form of exercise/appetite question


New member
I live in a ski town and can ski very easily from where I live. So when there’s free time, I’d way rather be on skis than in a gym (I also paid for my ski pass so I wanna get the most use of it that I can). I work as a waitress, so my job is very active. I ski 2 full days a week and another one or 2 half days per week.

Im a 5’8” female and weigh 150 pounds. My muscle mass is decent but nothing crazy.

Is that considered a very active lifestyle? I’ve had a crazy appetite lately and am wondering if it’s called for by my lifestyle, or just food chatter/addiction. I eat very healthy, but I eat a lot.

On days I ski I don’t feel as hungry as I should, even afterwards. This means that the one true “rest day” I take per week, I have an insatiable appetite. Same thing goes for work, I’m starving by the end of a shift but feel full before I can get a satisfying meal in.

Is it normal for weekly calories to be heavily concentrated in rest days?
@johnjarrell firstly nice work staying active

secondly skiing is definitely going to burn an insane amount of calories. just walking in the snow alone is super tough so it is ok to be that hungry

Third yeah it is fine to have more food on your rest days. I even find it easier to eat